بلِّغه يا قمر إذ ينشر الخبر
Let him know, oh moon, that if the word were to be out,
أنّي غداةَ غدٍ يغتالني السَّهر
Staying up late would kill me in the early morning of tomorrow
يا ليت يجمعنا للحبِّ موعدنا
Oh I wish for love to bring us together
فالشَّوق يزرعنا والبُعد يحصدنا
Because passion plants us but distance harvests us
ولهان ينتظر والشَّوق يستعر
A passionate lover awaits and his passion blazes
البيد تعرفه والليل والقمر
The desert knows him, and also the night and the moon