خَلَّصوا الأغاني هِنّي و يْغَنّوا عَالجَنوب
They sang all the songs, singing for The South *
خَلَّصوا القَصايِد هِنّي و يْصُفّوا عَالجَنوب
They wrote all the poems, talking about the South
و لا الشُهَداء قَلّوا و لا الشُّهَداء زادوا
but neither did the number of martyrs decrease nor increase
و إذا واقِف جَنوب واقِف بِاولاده
if The South is still standing, it is because of its people
خَلَّصوا القَضايا هِنّي و يرِدّوها عالجنوب
They mentioned all the issues, referring them to The South
كَسّروا المَنابِر هِني و يعِدّوا عالجنوب
They broke all podiums, talking and listing about The South
اللي عَم يِحكوا اليوم هَو غَير اللي ماتوا
Those talking today are not those who died
اللي معتَّر بِكلِّ الأرْض دايماً هوّي ذاته
The misfortuned is the same everywhere on earth
هوّي ذاته هوّي ذاته
the same, the same
اللي عَم يِحكوا اليوم هَو غَير اللي ماتوا
Those talking today are not those who died
اللي معتَّر بِكلِّ الأرْض دايماً هوّي ذاته
The misfortuned is the same everywhere on earth
هوّي ذاته هوّي ذاته
the same, the same
هيدي مش غنيّة هيدي بَسْ تحيّة
this is not a song, this is just a salutation
هيدي مش غنيّة هيدي بَسْ تحيّة
this is not a song, this is just a salutation