Translation of the song ما في حدا artist Fairuz
ما في حدا
there is no one
ما في حدا لا تندهي ما في حدا
There is no one don't call out there is no one
عتم و طريق و طير طاير عالهدا
Darkness and a road and a bird that flies quietly
بابن مسكر و العشب غطى الدراج
Their door is closed and weeds has covered the stairs
شو قولكن صاروا صدى؟
What do you think have they become nothing?
مع مين بدك ترجعي بعتم الطريق
With whom you want to return in the darkness of the road
لا شاعلة نارن و لا عندك رفيق
You haven't lit a fire nor do you have a friend
يا ريت ضوينا القنديل العتيق بالقنطرة
I wish we would have lit the old lamp in El Kantara
يمكن حدا كان اهتدى و ما في حدا
Maybe someone would have found their way
يا قلب اخرتا معك تعبتني
Heart, on what will this end? I've been tired by you
شو بك دخلك صرت هيك و شو بني
What's wrong with you? Why have you become like this? And what is wrong with me?
ياريتني سجرة على مطل الدنيي
I wish I were a tree that looked upon the world
و جيرانها غير السما و غير المدى ما في حدا
And it's friends are the sky and the horizon , besides them, there is no one