Translation of the song مصر عادت شمسك الذهب artist Fairuz


مصر عادت شمسك الذهب

English translation

Oh Egypt, Your Golden Sun Has Returned

مصر عادت شمسك الذهب تحمل الأرض و تغترب

Oh Egypt, your golden sun has returned, it's carrying the earth and is emigrating

كتب النيل على شطه قصصاً بالحب تلتهب

The Neil river wrote stories on its beach that are igniting with love

لك ماض مصر إن تذكري يحمل الحق و ينتسب

Oh Egypt, you have a past, if you remember, it carries the right and affiliates

و لك الحاضر في عزه قبب تغوى بها قبب

And you have the present that in its almighty there are domes which tempt other domes

جئت يا مصر و جاء معي تعب إن الهوى تعب

Oh Egypt, I came and tiredness came with me, love is tiredness

و سهاد موجع قلته هارباً مني و لا هرب

And a painful staying up that I said, it's running away from me

صرت نجم الحب أحصى إذا أحصيت في الظلمة الشهب

I became the star of love that is counted..

فسماً بالمبدع سبباً يا حبيبي إنك السبب

I swear on the creator as a reason, oh my darling, you are the reason

الحضارات هنا مهدها بعطاء المجد تصطخب

Civilisations started from here, it's roaring with the tender of glory

نقشت في الصخر أسفارها فإذا من صخرك الكتب

Its chapters were engraved on rocks, books were written from your rocks

مصر يا شعباً جديدا غدٍ صوب وجه الشمس يغترب

Oh Egypt, oh you new people who are emigrating towards the sun

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