Translation of the song يا قمر انا وياك artist Fairuz
يا قمر انا وياك
Oh Moon, You and I
يا قمر أنا وياك صحبة من زغرنا
Oh moon, you and I are friends since we were kids
حبينا قمرنا وعشنا أنا وياك يابا
we loved our moon and lived together, oh
و ياما أنا وياك لونا سمانا
and oh how much we colored our skies
و زرعنا هوانا يا قمر أنا وياك يابا
And we planted our love, oh
خطر الهوى عالعين و الحلو ناطرنا
my eyes thought about love, and the sweet one is waiting for us
ضحكوا قناطرنا بالورد عالميلين
our arcs laughed with flowers on both sides
و الحكي حكي و عالبال قصص الهوى تنقال
talking is just talking and love stories are told when we think about them
خطر الهوى بالدار قالولنا أوعى
we thought about love at home, they told us to be careful
بكرا الدنيي بتوعى عسرار منا سرار
tomorrow, the world will become aware of secrets that aren't secrets
قصص و قصص تنقال حلم ولفي عالبال
many stories are told, a dream that came to minds