Saat kau besar nanti
When you grow up
banyak yang dirimu
there's a lot of things
tak mengerti.
that you will not understand
Dan yang kita mengert
and we will understand
hidup tak selalu
Life is not always
seperti mimpi.
like a dream.
Tapi kau terlihat
But you see
kami takkan menyerah.
we will not give up.
Bila mimpimu belum usai
If your dreams hasn't done yet
kami disampingmu
We will be right beside you
memberikan harapan.
give you hope
Kita bagianmu
We are part of you
keluarga kita satu (x2)
We are one (2x)
Bila ku bisa semua
If I can do anything
Atau ku harus ikut
Or should I follow
ku ikuti hatiku
should I follow my own heart
Walau banyak yang kan
Even there's a lot who
datang pergi di sini.
will come and go from here.
Jalanmu baru dimulai
Your way has just started
air mata datang.
tears coming.
Satu yang takkan hancur
One which will never broke is
harga diri kita, kita satu.
our pride, we are one.
keluarga kita satu (x2)
Family, we are one (2x)
Aku dan kamu satu
You and me
seperti langit dan bumi.
like the sky and the earth
Keluarga dibawah mentari.
Family under the sun.
dan juga keberanian.
and bravery.
Kau temukan dalam, kita satu.
You will find inside, we are one.