생각나니 처음 우리 너무
I think back to the day when
멋쩍게 말놓자던 그 날.
We first had a cool conversation
손톱만 깨물었던 니 표정
Your face, when you bite your nails
지금도 눈앞에 선해.
Is still in front of my eyes
참 아꼈어 늘 좋았어
I really loved it, it was good
보기 아까워 눈 감기도 했지.
It was a waste to see, so I closed my eyes
함께라면 먼 길도 잠시야.
If we are together, then the long way is short
마음만 달렸었나봐.
I guess it's all because of my mind
밤마다 팔베개를 연습해.
I practice my hand pillow every night
꿈에 너를 만나기위해.
To meet you in my dreams
지난날 못 해준게 많아서
I haven't done much in the past,
혼자 되돌리곤 해.
So I return alone
I never think you go away in my life.
I never think you go away in my life
어디있든 나 먼저 걱정마.
Wherever you are, don't worry about me first
넘치게 받은 사랑 남아서
The love I received so much remains
아직 가슴은 부자니까.
My heart is still rich
I'll never forget all your love forever.
I'll never forget all your love forever
혼자 온 세상 내 은인은 너야.
Only you are my benefactor in the whole world
아파할 때도 눈물날 때도
When it hurts or when I cry
추억의 힘으로 사니까.
Because I live by the power of memories
운도 좋아 복도 많아 친구들
You are lucky, - my friends told me
모두 날 부러워했지.
Everyone envies me
너를 빼면 가진게 없어도
Even if I don't have anything except you
은근히 용기가 났어.
I was very courageous
가끔은 같은 모잘 쓰자고
Sometimes we did the same thing
생각마저 같아진다고
That even thoughts become the same
여전히 그 약속을 난 믿어.
I still believe in that promise
쉽게 버릴 수 없어.
I can't throw it away easily
I never think you go away in my life.
I never think you go away in my life
어디있든 나 먼저 걱정마.
Wherever you are, don't worry about me first
넘치게 받은 사랑 남아서
The love I received so much remains
아직 가슴은 부자니까.
My heart is still rich
I'll never forget all your love forever.
I'll never forget all your love forever
혼자 온 세상 내 은인은 너야.
Only you are my benefactor in the whole world
아파할 때도 눈물날 때도
When it hurts or when I cry
추억에 사니까
Because I live by the power of memories
고마웠어 난 행복했어
Thank you I was so happy
사랑으로 넓은 가슴 생겼어.
I got a wide heart out of love
널 만나면 꼭 안아줄텐데.
When I meet you, I will hug you
I never think you go away in my life.
I never think you go away in my life
멀리 숨어 미안해하지마.
Hide away and don't be sorry
세상이 슬픈 장난친대도
Even if the world is a sad joke
우리 마음은 갖지못해.
Our hearts don't have it
I'll never forget all your love forever.
I'll never forget all your love forever
또 태어나도 내 은인은 너야.
Even if I am born again, you are my benefactor
그리워할게 간직해둘게
I'll miss you, I'll keep it
이젠 니 몫까지 사랑해.
Now it's your turn, I love you