Translation of the song Mi nismo sami artist Massimo Savić
Mi nismo sami
We Are Not Alone
Koliko puta si ljubila stranca
How many times did you love a stranger
I bila kao ptica kraj čovjeka
And been like a bird next to a man,
Koji ne leti do tvojih visina
A man can't fly up to your heights
I ne zna tajnu skrivenu u tebi
And doesn't know the secret hidden inside you?
Ti si u tijelu punom želja
You are inside of a body filled with desires
Sa usnama željnim iznenađenja
With lips wishful for surprises
Al' nikog nema tko je tvoj
But there's no such person that is yours
I ova zemlja se ne zove dom
And this land is not called a home.
U tvome oku dragi kamen,
In your eye - a jewel,
Ili to suzu čuvaš za mene
Or is it a tear, that you keep for me?
Al' ja sam samo snoviđenje
But I'm no more than an illusion
Koje ti kaže - Raduj se!
That tells you - Be joyful!
I ne znam kad i ne znam gdje
And I don't know when and I don't know where
Ići ćemo istom stranom ulice
We'll walk the same side of the street
Vjeruj mi dušo, srest ćemo se
Trust me, darling, we'll meet
U svijetu tajni mi nismo sami
In the world of secrets, we are not alone.