Još kroz kosu prstima me budi
Still wakes me up with fingers in my hair
Pa bude tu dok oči otvorim
And stays here till I open my eyes
Onda ode bez glasa
Then leaves without a sound
Osmijeh tu na zidu ostavi
Leave a smile here on the wall
Ko' najljepšu sliku da me sjeti
Like the prettiest picture to remind me
Da misli rasplamsa
To set my thoughts on fire
Nisam spreman da te ostavim
I'm not ready to leave you
Riječ po riječ ti tiho ispričam
Word by word, I tell you quietly
Baš svaki dan sve po redu
Every day just everything
Dobro znam što voliš
I know well what you like
Al’ grijeh i tuga ruku pod ruku
But sin and sadness, hand in hand
Uvijek dođu, ti dobro znani gosti
Always drop by, those familiar guests
Pa opet zaboliš
So you start hurting again
Nisam spreman da te ostavim
I'm not ready to leave you
Ti boliš me ko' prije
You hurt me like before
Nikad boljelo me nije tako,
It never hurted me that way
Što se desilo sa nama?
What happened to us?
Toliko ljubavi i plama
So much love and fire
Gdje smo pogriješili?
Where did we go wrong?
Nisam spreman da te ostavim
I'm not ready to leave you