Translation of the song Znam zašto te osjećam artist Massimo Savić
Znam zašto te osjećam
I know why I feel you
Sve ove godine,
All these years
suhog tijela glad,
Dry body’s hunger
za toplim rukama.
For warm hands.
Dan kojeg živimo,
Every day we live,
svaki za nas je bliže istini
For us is closer to truth
i nisam drukčiji,
And I'm not different,
samo slijedim to što srce kaže
Just following what my hearts says
da ti si ta.
That you're the one.
Ja znam zašto te osjećam
I know why I feel you
ja znam, znam da nisam tu bezveze
I know, know I'm not here in vain
ja znam zašto te osjećam
I know why I feel you
jer nitko drugi nije dao
For nobody else gave
ono što si ti za mene.
What you gave for me.
Budimo samo to što jesmo,
Let us be what we are,
jer gradimo novi svijet,
For we're building a new world,
i nismo drukčiji
We are not different
samo slijedimo što srce kaže,
Just following what our heart says,
jer svejedno.
Because either way.
Ja znam zašto te osjećam,
I know why I feel you
ja znam, znam da nisam tu bezveze,
I know, know I'm not here in vain
ja znam zašto te osjećam,
I know why I feel you
jer nitko drugi nije dao,
For nobody else gave
nitko drugi nije znao.
Nobody else knew.