Translation of the song Ljubav Nije Grijeh [Love Will Find a Way] artist The Lion King II: Simba's Pride (OST)


Ljubav Nije Grijeh [Love Will Find a Way]

English translation

Love Is Not A Sin

Sanjam bolji svijet,

I dream about a better world,

Gdje ne vlada zlo,

Where an evil doesn't reign.

Nikad nisi sam

You're never alone

Jer mi smo zajedno.

Because we stick together.

Nek nam uzmu svijet,

May they take our world,

Stvorit ćemo svoj.

We'll create the ours.

Bit će predivan i savršen

It will be beautiful and perfect

Jer srcu svom ja vjerujem.

Because I believe to my heart.



I znam, ljubav nije grijeh

And I know, love is not a sin

Čitav sad je svijet moj/naš dom

The whole world is now my/our home

Jer više nisam/nismo sama.

Because I'm/we're no longer alone.

Kroz mrak, zraka sunca sja,

Through the darkness, a ray of sun shines,

Sve je ko' u snu, sad kad si ti tu!

Everything is just like in a dream, now when you're here!

Ljubav nije grijeh!

Love is not a sin!

Život nije lak

Nothing comes easy in a life

Strah mi tišti grud

A fear oppresses my chest

Svijet je mržnje pun

The world is full of hate

I sve je uzalud.

And everything is in vain.

Neki novi svijet

Some new world

U tvom oku sja

Shines inside of your eye

Prepun ljubavi i radosti

With overflowing love and joy

Jer zajedno smo ja i ti.

Because me and you are together.



Ja znam - ljubav nije grijeh!

I know - love is not a sin!

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