Translation of the song Buena malicia artist Carla Morrison


Buena malicia

English translation

Lovely Malice

Tus silencios

Your silences 

son las olas de mi mar

are the waves of my sea

que cobijan mis momentos

which give shelter to my moments

de soledad

of loneliness 

Y no encuentro

And I can't find

la palabra para describir

the word to describe 

este vacio que me llenas

this emptiness that you fill in me

y me haces hundir...

and you make me fall head over heels


You terrify (me)

me simplificas

You simplify me

y dando vueltas

And spinning around

me respiras

You breathe me in

eres mi caricia

You're like a caress

toda una delicia

Quite a delight

tu eres, pura buena malicia

You're a pure lovely malice

tu eres pura buena malicia..

You're a pure lovely malice

Y te busco y encuentro pedazos de ti

And I look for you and I find pieces of you

que traducen que no temas que te amo a ti

which mean that you're not afraid that I love you 

pero me siento con tu silencio a cobijar

But with your silence I feel the harbouring of

pensamientos que traen dudas que hacen pensar...

thoughts, that carry doubts that make me think


You terrify (me)

me simplificas

You simplify me

y dando vueltas

And spinning around

me respiras

You breathe me in

eres mi caricia

You're like a caress

toda una delicia

Quite a delight

tú eres, pura buena malicia

You're a pure lovely malice,

tú eres pura buena malicia...

You're a pure lovely malice

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