Fue que de pronto encontré
I found out of the sudden
un secreto en todo tu ser
a secret inside your whole soul
que me enredó en tus ojos de luna y toda tu miel
that tangled in your moon eyes and your honey
No supe como parar
I couldn't know how to stop
fué un impulso mortal,
It was a mortal impulse,
respondía mi cuerpo que me
responding to my body that
rogaba de tu amar
begged your loving.
Devuélvete pronto a mí,
Come back soon to me,
ya no entiendo nada de mí,
I don't understand anything about me,
eres tan vital para mí,
you are so vital to me,
¿Qué no entiendes que siento morir?
Don't you get I feel like dying?
Devuélvete pronto a mi piel,
Come back soon to my skin,
me secaste en lo que es codecer
you dried my avarice
Ya no duermo, no pienso,
I don't dream or think, no more,
no siento tener claridez
I don't feel steady.
Fueron tan pocos días
There were so few days
Conocí tu manera de amar
I knew your way of loving
Eras tú todo lo que yo siempre me quise encontrar
You were everything I always have wanted to find
No supe como medir
I did not know how to measure
me entregué sin pensar en que si
I surrendered to you without even thinking about it
eras un peligro, si yo era alguien para ti
You were a danger, if I meant something for you.
Devuélvete pronto a mí,
Come back soon to me,
ya no entiendo nada de mí
I don't understand anything about me,
eres tan vital para mí,
you are so vital to me,
¿Qué no entiendes que siento morir?
Don't you get I feel like dying?
Devuélvete pronto a mi piel,
Come back soon to my skin,
me secaste en lo que es codecer
you dried my avarice
Ya no duermo, no pienso,
I don't dream or think, no more,
no siento tener claridez
I don't feel steady.
Devuélvete pronto a mí,
Come back soon to me,
ya no entiendo nada de mí, eres tan vital para mí,
I don't understand anything about me,
¿Qué no entiendes que siento morir?
you are so vital to me,
Devuélvete pronto a mi piel,
Don't you get I feel like dying?
me secaste en lo que es codecer
Come back soon to my skin,
Ya no duermo, no pienso,
you dried my avarice
no siento tener claridez
I don't dream or think, no more,
Y ahora después de tenerte tan cerca
And now, after having you too close
y reconocer que te fuiste con otra mujer
and get to know you left with another girl
Yo sólo fuí un querer
I was just a desire
Ese alguien para ti que te hace sonreír
That someone that makes you smile
Yo no existo en tu mundo pues ya
I do not exist in your world
Te olvidaste de mí.
since you already got over me.