Translation of the song Vez Primera artist Carla Morrison


Vez Primera

English translation

First Time

Ya te fuiste de mí, a tu vida nueva

You left me, to your new life

Con otra mujer, de hecho, una muy bella

With another woman, in fact, a very beautiful one

Era parte del destino que siguieras tu camino

It was part of the destiny that you would follow your way

Yo mejor así

I'm better this way

Aunque siento raro aquí

Although I feel strange here

Donde palpita el corazón

Where the heart pounds

Donde descansa mi pudor

Where does my modesty rest?

Donde guardé todo mi dolor

Where I kept all my pain

Donde nace y muere mi amor

Where my love is born and dies

Tú fuiste mi vez primera

You were my first time

Mi beso, mi ciencia a ciegas

My kiss, my blind science

Te dí todas mis maneras

I gave you all my ways

De mí todo cedí

I gave all of myself

De ti tanto aprendí

I learned so much from you

A quererme primero a mí siempre

To love myself first, always me first

Fuiste esa gran etapa en mi vida

You were that great stage in my life

Donde mis venas a ti perseguían

Where my veins chased you

Mi piel deseando olerte

My skin desiring to smell you

Mi mente tan recurrente

My mind so recurrent

Yo era tan feliz, a un ladito de ti

I was so happy, a little next to you

Contigo pase momentos que nunca se irán de mí

With you spend I spent moments that will never leave me

Nuestra etapa fue fuerte y dura

Our stage was strong and hard

Descubriendo la dulzura

Discovering the sweetness

Tu habitabas en mí

That you put in me

Y yo era tan, tan feliz

And I was so, so happy

Donde palpita el corazón

Where the heart pounds

Donde descansa mi pudor

Where does my modesty rest?

Donde guardé todo mi dolor

Where I kept all my pain

Donde nace y muere mi amor

Where my love is born and dies

Tú fuiste mi vez primera

You were my first time

Mi beso, mi ciencia a ciegas

My kiss, my blind science

Te dí todas mis maneras

I gave you all my ways

De mí todo cedí

I gave all of myself

De ti tanto aprendí

I learned so much from you

Tu fuiste mi vez primera

You were my first time

Mi beso, mi ciencia a ciegas

My kiss, my blind science

Te di todas mis maneras

I gave you all my ways

De mí todo cedí

I gave all of myself

De ti tanto a aprendí

I learned so much from you

A quererme primero a mí siempre

To love myself first, always me first

A quererme

To love me

Primero a mí siempre

First to me always

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