Translation of the song Nisi sam [We're one] artist The Lion King II: Simba's Pride (OST)


Nisi sam [We're one]

English translation

You're Not Alone

Svatko uči dok je živ,

Everyone learns while he's alive,

Bio mrav ili div. Upamti to!

No matter whether he is an ant or a giant. Remember that!

I kad sve od sebe daš

And even if you do your best

Stvari ne idu baš po planu tvom

Things won't always go according to your plan

Ali netko će doći, priskočit upomoć.

But someone will come to help you.

Ništa neće pokvarit tvoj san.

Nothing will spoil your dream.

Uvijek bit ćemo tu, i u dobru i u zlu.

We'll always be here, in the good and in the bad times.

Ruku daj nam i znaj - nisi sam!

Give us a hand and know - you're not alone!

Zajedno! Zajedno! Nisi sam! x2

Together! Together! You're not alone! x2

Zar već moram nosit plašt i

Do I now really have to wear a cloak

Ponašat se baš ko' kralja kći?

And act exactly like a king's daughter?

Zar ne mogu bar na čas

Couldn't I just for a moment

Slijedit srca svog glas - glas ljubavi?

Follow my heart's voice - the voice of the love?

Znaj da duhovi svi što su nekad živjeli

Know that all the spirits which were alive long time ago,

Nad tobom će bdjet noć i dan...

They will watch for you every night and every day...

I kroz smijeh i kroz bol, proći ćemo zajedno.

Through the laugh and through the pain, we'll pass together.

Tu uz nas, nađi spas - nisi sam!

Here, with us, find a salvation - you're not alone!

Zajedno! Zajedno! Nisi sam! x2

Together! Together! You're not alone! x2

Ja i ti, ti i ja, jedno srce drugo zna

Me and you, you and me, the one heart knows well the other

Jer isti smo sanjali san

Because we were dreaming the same dream

Pravim putem ćeš poć

You'll go the right way

Mudrost naći ćeš i moć

You'll find wisdom and power

Kud god kreneš uz nas - nisi sam!

Wherever you go with us - you're not alone!



Sve dok si s nama - znat ćeš tko si. Shvatit ćeš jednog dana.

All the time you're with us - you'll know who you are. You'll realize one day.



Zajedno! Zajedno! Nisi sam! x2

Together! Together! You're not alone! x2

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