Translation of the song Лудост е artist Desi Slava
Лудост е
It's madness
Ludost e,lubovta
it's madness, the love
Kogato vsichko e lyja
when everything is a lie
Ludost e da byda sama
it's madness for me to be alone
Ludost e tazi nosht i vsqka druga sled tova
madness is tonight and every other night after it
Ludost e s men che si losh
it's madness for me that you are bad
A te obicham vse taka
but i still love you the same way
Samo moeto sartse
only my heart
Znae kolko mi e zle,
knows how bad i feel
No pak ne iska da te predade
but it still does not want to betray me
Samo moeto sartse
only my heart
Znae vsichko nai dobre
knows everything best
No pak proshtava tvoite grehove
but still forgives your sins
Ti jiovata mi razbi
you shattered my life
No vav sartseto si mi ti
but you are still in my heart
Ludost e...Ludost e da mylcha
it's madness, it's madness for me to keep quiet
Kogato iskam da kreshtq
when i want to scream
Ludost e da plache sega
it's madness to cry now
No kak salzite si da spra
but how do i stop my tears
Ti jiovata mi razbi
you shattered my life
No vav sartseto si mi ti
but you are still in my heart
Ludost e...Ludost e da mylcha
it's madness, it's madness for me to keep quiet
Kogato iskam da kreshtq
when i want to scream
Ludost e da plache sega
it's madness to cry now
No kak salzite si da spra
but how do i stop my tears
Ti jiovata mi razbi
you shattered my life
No vav sartseto si mi ti
but you are still in my heart