Translation of the song عشق artist Meysam Ebrahimi
عشق مثِ دیدنِ راهِ درست تو دوراهی
Love is like seeing the true way at a dilemma
عشق مثِ تو که تو تاریکیا مثِ ماهی
Love is like you who is like the moon in the darkness
عشق مثِ شوری اشکِ رو لب که قشنگه هرازگاهی
Love is like the saltiness of tears, which is sometimes beautiful
عشق مثِ زهره با طعم عسل، مثِ جونه
Love is like poison with the taste of honey, it's like life
عشق مثِ رویای نیمهشبه، نمیمونه
Love is like the dream at midnight, it fades
عشق مثِ عشقه فقط که فقط توی قلبای مهربونه
Love is like love which is only in kind hearts
عشق مثِ درددل منه با غم
Love is like my heart-to-heart talk with sadness
مثِ چشمای خیسِ یه آدم
Love is like the wet eyes of a person
دلیلِ سربهراه شدنه
It's the reason of being good person
عشق یعنی غیرِ تو از همه خستهم
Love means I'm tired of all but you
یعنی میگی مواظبت هستم
It means you say I protect you
مثِ راه نجات منه
It's like my salvation
عشق مثِ لمس یه صورتِ خیس، مثِ دستات
Love is like touching of a wet face, it's like your hands
عشق مثِ آتیش تو دلِ شب، مثِ فریاد
Love is like the fume in a dark night, it's like a Shout
عشق مثِ مهر تو که یهدفعه بیهوا به دلم افتاد
Love is like your love that I fell in it suddenly
عشق مثِ بغضای بیسروته تو غروبه
Love is like sequential lumps in throat at sunset
عشق مثِ گریهی بیخودیه، ولی خوبه
Love is like spontaneously crying, but it's good
عشق مثِ بارونِ اولِ سال که رو پنجره میکوبه
Love is like the first rain of the year which is hitting the window
عشق مثِ درددل منه با غم
Love is like my heart-to-heart talk with sadness
مثِ چشمای خیسِ یه آدم
Love is like the wet eyes of a person
دلیل سربهراه شدنه
It's the reason of being good person
عشق یعنی غیر تو از همه خستهم
Love means I'm tired of all but you
یعنی میگی مواظبت هستم
It means you say I protect you
مثِ راه نجات منه
It's like my salvation