Translation of the song Colonel Hati's march reprise Portugal artist The Jungle Book (OST)


Colonel Hati's march reprise Portugal

English translation

Colonel Hati's march reprise Portugal

Um, dois, três, quatro

One, two, three, four

Um, dois, três, quatro

One, two, three, four

Passa a um, dois, três

Pass one, two, three

Era o que me faltava... Lá vem aquele ridículo Coronel Toti.

Just what I needed... There comes that ridiculous Colonel Toti.

Companhia... no compasso!

Company... in the compass!

Nós marchamos onde houver

We march where there is

Uma paisagem qualquer

Any landscape

Vai-se ouvir talvez

May it will hear

O bater dos pés

The hit of the foot

Um, dois, três, quatro

One, two, three, four

Com caráter militar

With military character

Com caráter militar

With military character

A patrulha da selva!

The jungle patrol!

Quem for raso é como um verme

Who is private is a worm

Num desfile paquiderme

In a pachyderm parade

Mas é bem melhor

But it is much better

Fugir do calor

Runaway from the heat

Um, dois, três, quatro

One, two, three, four

E à sombra descansar

And in the shadow rest

Parem! Esperem, aí! Alto!

Stop! Wait in there! Stop!

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