Translation of the song L'emigrànde artist Lara Molino

Italian (Central dialects)


English translation

The emigrant

‘nghì ‘na mandrìcchie sotte lu ditèlle

Food wrapped in a piece of cloth under an arm

E na valigge rotte e squadrillàte

Carrying a rickety broken suitcase in one hand

Camicie ritorte, ‘na giacchittelle

A hard wearing cloth shirt, a jacket

Senza li bittune mezze sgarràte

With no buttons, half-torn

A pomerìgge, quase ventunóre

In the afternoon, at around 3 o’clock

So lassàte la mamme e lu paése

I left my mother and country

A la Germànie pé truvà lavóre

To go and find work in Germany

A sediciànne mangàve nu mése

A month from my sixteenth birthday

Ah, ij vuije riturnà, ah, vulesse riturnà...

Oh, how I want to come back

Sopre ‘nu trene vecchie e ‘ffumicàte

On an old smoky train

Attravèrse li terre e li frontiére

Through lands and borders

Lònghe lu viagge, l’osse scunnucchiàte

A long journey, with aching bones

Nghì lu paese fisse a lu pensiére

My home town fixed in my mind

Ddu felle de pane ‘nghì cipólle

Two slices of bread with onion

‘na mele secche e nà scrippelle

A dried apple and a scrippella

Lu fredde te spaccàve le midòlle

The cold cracking my bones

Pé lu ggéle s’azzàve li capélle

The frost making my hair stand on end

Ah, ij vuije riturnà, ah, vulesse riturnà...

Oh, how I want to come back

Trend’anne ‘mmezze ggende forestiére

Thirty years in the midst of strangers

So fatijàte come n’animàle

I worked hard like an animal

E dendre a ‘na fabbriche de bicchiére

Inside a glass factory

All’Italia mé, sól’ à Natàle

Back to my Italy, only at christmas

Mó zè cagnàte ogne situazióne

Now everything has changed

E nì ià spettà lu tembe de le trésche

And i no longer have to wait for harvest time

A la saccocce tinghe li milliùne

I have money in my pocket

Me so ‘mbaràte pure lu tedésche

I have also learnt german

Ah, ij vuije riturnà, ah, vulesse riturnà...

Oh, how I want to come back

Mercedèsse, ‘na case, ddu villìne

A Mercedes, a house, two cottages

Giacche de lusse, carne a crepapèlle

Luxury jackets, meat in abundance

De rrobbe sta richiéne la candìne

The cellar full of all one could need

Mó vuije ariturnà a l’italia bbelle

Now i want to return to my beautiful Italy

Ma la cocce, tutte me s’è ‘mbiangàte

But my hair is white

La schéne me fa male jurne e notte

My back aches day and night

E nù dolóre tinghe a ‘na custàte

A sharp pain in my rib

Gné nu cencióne ij mi so redótte

I have become a wreck

Ah, ij vuije riturnà, ah, vulesse riturnà...

Oh, how I want to come back

È vere che li solde li tìnghe ‘n quantità

It is true, i have plenty of money

Ma la ggiovendù nen zì po’ accattà

But youth you cannot buy

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