Translation of the song Zije v tobe [He Lives In You] artist The Lion King II: Simba's Pride (OST)


Zije v tobe [He Lives In You]

English translation

He Lives In You


The night

plná znamení ví kým jsme

Full of signs knows, who we are

Noc ví

The night knows

kam až toužíme jít

Where we want to go

kam se toužíme vznést

Where we want to soar

to ví

It knows

Tou víru zná

It knows your faith

mou víru zná

It knows my faith

tvou víru v život

Your faith in life

která sílu dá

Which gives strength

Je v záři očí

It's in a shine of eyes

je v proudech slov

It's in streams of words

mnohem víc tu platí

It's more worth

než vzácný kov

Than a precious metal

Svět ví kým jsme

The world knows who we are

tvou víru zná

It knows your faith

mou víru zná

It knows my faith

Jen s ní se pozná

It knows

kdo jsi ty kdo já

Who you are and who I am

Je v záři očí

It's in a shine of eyes

je v proudech slov

It's in streams of words

mnohem víc tu platí

It's more worth

než vzácný kov

Than a precious metal

víra tvá

Your faith

víra tvá

Your faith

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