Translation of the song Escape artist Itō Kanako



English translation


暗闇に閉ざされた 虚ろな夢に

In an empty dream shut in the dark

気持ちごと溶けてゆく 麻酔みたいに

My feelings melt away as if anesthetized


I can't even say goodbye

走る、走る、逃亡者 悪夢に身を委ねて

A fugitive runs, leaving their body to the nightmare

だけど今 あの声が

And yet I suddenly begin to miss that voice

急に恋しくなるから Let's play a game without the end.

Let's play a game without the end

降りしきる雨に打たれながら 僕は振り返った

While the rain is showering thick and fast, I turned back

そこには仲間が居て 温もりをくれた

My friends were out there and gave me warmth

言葉より未来を信じて 僅かな光の線 鮮やかな・・・

I'll believe in the future rather than words; a little ray of sun so vivid

まっしろに透き通る 真昼の月が

The midday moon so white and clean

今はもう見なくて 汚れてしまう

Is no longer visible, only to be sullied

誰一人 信じられず

I can't believe in anyone

回る、回る、逃亡者 人ごみ避けるように

A fugitive goes around, as if avoiding the crowds

だけどまだ あの時の

And yet I grasp the meaning of tears from that time

涙の意味は知ってる Let's play a game without the end.

Let's play a game without the end

錆び付いたドアを開け放って 僕は踏み出した

I pulled open the rusty door and stepped out

そこには強い絆と 愛が溢れてた

A strong bond was there and love was everywhere

大切で目に見えない物 心が奇跡を生む 煌めいて・・・

Something so precious and invisible

ありふれたあの日、あの景色に 僕は帰るから

I'll get back to both same old days and scenery

約束は出来ないけど きっと――――

I can't promise, but I'm sure

降りしきる雨に打たれながら 僕は振り返った

While the rain is showering thick and fast, I turned back

そこには仲間が居て 温もりをくれた

My friends were out there and gave me warmth

言葉より未来を信じて 僅かな光の線 鮮やかな・・・

I'll believe in the future rather than words; a little ray of sun so vivid

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