Translation of the song Hacking to the Gate artist Itō Kanako
Hacking to the Gate
Hacking to the Gate
Welcome!! Time line travel on The game.
Welcome!! Time line travel on The game.
Welcome!! Heroes hacking to The gate.
Welcome!! Heroes hacking to The gate.
数十億もの 鼓動の数さえ
Even the number of billions of heartbeats is a trivial grade for you.
あなたには 瞬き程度の些事な等級
It's as insignificant as the blink of an eye.
過去に囚われて 未来を嘆くも
Even if you are trapped in the past and mourn the future,
塵一つ 誤算を許さぬ必然
it is inevitable that you will not be allowed to miscalculate one dust.
「無限」に広がる夢も 描く未来も
Infinite dreams and the future we draw are
僕達に許された 虚栄の権利
the rights of vanity that we have been granted.
「有限」それは二つの 針が示す
Finite is a cruel execution and choice
残酷な約定と 選択へ Hacking to the Gate ---
indicated by two needles. Hacking to the Gate.
だからいま 1秒ごとに 世界線を越えて
So now I want to cross the world line every second.
君のその笑顔 守りたいのさ
I want to protect your smile.
そしてまた 悲しみの無い 時間のループへと
And again, I will be swallowed into a time loop without sadness,
飲み込まれてゆく 孤独の観測者
I'm a lonely observer.
命の主張と 無意味な証明
Claim of life and meaningless proof.
あなたには 退屈しのぎに足らぬ滑稽
Those are ridiculous and boring for you.
支配者きどりの 愚かな種族は
The ruler-minded stupid race
うぬぼれた 稚拙な定理を並べた
lined up a self-confessed childish theorem.
「無限」と信じた愛も 空の彼方も
Love that I believed to be infinite
僕達に示された 仮想の自由
and beyond the sky are virtual freedoms shown to us.
「有限」それは無慈悲に 時を刻み
Finite is a ruthless choice to tick the time
明日さえも否定する 選択へ Hacking to the Gate ---
and deny even tomorrow. Hacking to the Gate.
いくつもの 輝ける日々 仲間との約束
We must not forget the many bright days
無かった事には してはいけない
and the promises we made to our friends.
そのために 時を欺く 残された仕掛けに
We will deceive time all for that. There is no hesitation
もう迷いはない 孤独の観測者
in the remaining gimmicks, I'm a lonely observer.
だからいま 1秒ごとに 世界線を越えて
So now I want to cross the world line every second.
君のその笑顔 守りたいのさ
I want to protect your smile.
そしてまた 悲しみの無い 時間のループへと
And again, I will be swallowed into a time loop without sadness,
飲み込まれてゆく 孤独の観測者
I'm a lonely observer.