Translation of the song نوازش artist Meysam Ebrahimi
سخته براش دیوونهوار تب کنی
It's hard, to have fever for her (to love her so much)
اما به جاش با فکرش شب کنی روزاتو باش
But instead just live with her thoughts
تلخه به جات یکی بیاد دیوونگیت نیاد به چشماش
It's bitter that someone take your place (in her heart or in her life), and she doesn't want to see your craziness (that you did for her)
تنهایشهر بشکنی توو خلوتت آخرشم
To be the loneliest in the city, to be broken in your solitude
خیابونا هم صحبتِ دردات بشن
But in the end only streets became your interlocutor to talk about your pains
سخته که اشکات همقدم شه با بارونای این شهر
It's hard that your tears become companion of the rains of this city
چقدر با عشق موهاشو میکردم نوازش
How much I used to caressed her hair with love
رقصیدم همه جوره به سازش
I did everything she wanted
این دلِ دیوونه ولی یه لحظه هم نبود حواسش
But my crazy heart wasn't careful even for a moment
چقدر با عشق سپردم این دلو یه جا بِش
How much I gave my heart to her with love entirely
فکر نمیکردم نخوادش
I didn't think you
رفت تمومِ خوبیام دِ آخه این نبود جوابش
I did not think she wouldn't want my heart
هیچکس قدِ من عاشقِ اون نیست که
Nobody loves her as much as I do
مثلِ من کی آخه وایمیسه
Who does stay (with his heart's love like me?
پای قلبش نذار اون چشاش خیس شه
Don't let his (my) eyes get wet (by tears)
اسمش قسمِ راستم بودش
I use to swear to her name (she was so precious for me)
عشقش از همه خاصتر بود
His love was purer than every love
رفت و دل خوشی ندارم چی آخه واسم موند؟
She's gone and I don't have any consolation, what did remain for me?
چقدر با عشق موهاشو میکردم نوازش
How much I caressed her hair with love
رقصیدم همه جوره به سازش
I did everything she wanted
این دلِ دیوونه ولی یه لحظه هم نبود حواسش
But my crazy heart wasn't careful even for a moment
چقدر با عشق سپردم این دلو یه جا بِش
How much I gave my heart to her with love entirely
فکر نمیکردم نخوادش
I didn't think she wouldn't want my heart
رفت تمومِ خوبیام دِ آخه این نبود جوابش
She's gone, it wasn't the answer (proper feedback) of those good works that I did for her