Translation of the song Cadranele artist Roșu și Negru
The dials
Cadranele din turnuri vechi
The dials of old towers
au gene lungi de aur, semne
have long golden eyelashes, signs
pe care acele perechi
that those pairs
cu vârfuri lungi le-arată demne
with long tips it shows them worthy
Cadranele cu ochi rotunzi
The round-eyed dials
clipesc cu paşnicele ceasuri
are blinking at the peaceful clocks
letargic apără popasuri
lethargically defendding the stumbling blocks
prin timpu-n care te afunzi...
through the time you are in ...
Şi nu ştiu pentru cine
And I don't know for whom
clipesc cadranele şi sună;
are the dials blinking and sounding
poate doar pentru mine
maybe just for me
bat orele ce-acum răsună...
the hours that sound are beating
bat orele ce-acum răsună...
the hours that sound are beating
bat orele ce-acum răsună...
the hours that sound are beating
Cadranele din turnuri vechi
The dials of old towers
au gene lungi de aur, semne
have long golden eyelashes, signs
pe care acele perechi
that those pairs
cu vârfuri lungi le-arată demne
with long tips it shows them worthy
Cadranele cu ochi rotunzi
The round-eyed dials
clipesc cu paşnicele ceasuri
are blinking at the peaceful clocks
letargic apără popasuri
lethargically defendding the stumbling blocks
prin timpu-n care te afunzi...
through the time you are in .
Bat orele ce-acum răsună...
The hours that sound are beating