Translation of the song Gândul meu liber artist Roșu și Negru
Gândul meu liber
My free thought
E tot mai curat
It's neater
Şi-n mine trăieşte mereu
and living forever inside of me
Un lucru mi-e aproape
One thing is close to me
Şi sigur e-al meu.
and sure is mine.
Mi-e frate şi prieten
He's a brother and friend of mine
Părinte şi dascăl al meu
Parent and teacher of mine
El este cum este
He is as he is
Şi simt eu prin el
and I feel within him
Mi-apare oriunde
He appears anywhere
Şi zboară cum vrea
and flies as he wants...
E gândul meu liber
It's my free thought
O mână pe cer
A hand upon the sky
E gândul meu liber
It's my free thought
Lumină din el...
Light from inside of him...
E-o pasăre rară
It's a rare bird
Se-nalţă cu aripi arzând
rising high with burning wings
Şi tot mai curată
and still neater
Ca albul de crin.
than the white lily
Am gândul cu mine
I got my thought with me
Părinte şi dascăl al meu
Parent and teacher of mine
El este cum este
He is as he is
Şi simt eu prin el
and I feel within him
Mi-apare oriunde
He appears anywhere
Şi zboară când vrea
and flies as he wants...
E gândul meu liber
It's my free thought
O mână pe cer
A hand upon the sky
E gândul meu liber
It's my free thought
Lumină din el...
Light from inside of him...
E gândul meu liber
It's my free thought
O mână pe cer
A hand upon the sky
E gândul meu liber
It's my free thought
Lumină din el...
Light from inside of him...