Translation of the song Leopardul artist Roșu și Negru



English translation

The leopard

Pe un vârf de gheaţă,

On a peak of ice,

două stele ard

two stars are burning

Au sclipire stranie;

They have a strange spark;

sunt ochi de leopard.

they are leopard eyes

Ce căuta acolo

What it was doing here

nimeni n-a ştiut

nobody knew

fiara ce-a plecat din junglă

the beast that left the jungle

spre necunoscut

for the unknown



munţi de gheaţă şi de cer

mountains of ice and sky

Mare albă,

White sea,

leopardu-i un mister

the leopard is a mystery...

Însetat de soare

Thirsty of sun

şi de infinit,

and infinity

a-ncercat s-atingă

it tried to reach

cerul astrului dorit.

for the sky of the wanted star

Pe-acel vârf de gheaţă,

On that peak of ice,

stelele s-au stins

the stars have faded

Ochi de leopard pe care

Leopard eyes

frigul i-a învins

that the coldness has defeated



munţi de gheaţă şi de cer

mountains of ice and sky

Mare albă,

White sea,

leopardu-i un mister

the leopard is a mystery...



munţi de gheaţă şi de cer

mountains of ice and sky

Mare albă,

White sea,

leopardu-i un mister

the leopard is a mystery...

Mare albă...

White sea...

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