Translation of the song Nufăr alb artist Roșu și Negru
Nufăr alb
White waterlily
Nufar alb
White waterlily
Nufar alb
White waterlily
Fii mai breaz
Be braver,
Fii mai breaz
be braver!...
Stropi de ploaie cad afara
Drops are falling out
vantul totul infioara
Wind is scaring everything
iarba deasa ca pe munti
The dense grass on the mountains
ce poarta pe frunti
that is wearing on the fores
semnul liniştii eterne
the sign of the eternal silence...
Nufarul alb si plapand
The waterlily so white and plaid
Vantului standu-i in drum
sitting in the wind's way
a fost rupt din locul lui
he was broken from his place
si purtat hai-hui
and was carried around
pe ape-notatoare
on the swimming waters
Ce minune, ce minune
What a wonder, what a wonder
trece peste ape oare?
is passing on the waters?
Ar fi spus in soapta
would have whispered
salciile fosnind
the rustling willows
Nufarul alb si plapand
The waterlily white and plaid
semetindu-se acum
now so proudly
porni pe ape
walked upon the water
printre crengile uscate
beneath the old dry branches
Nufar alb
White waterlily
Nufar alb
White waterlily
Fii mai breaz
Be braver,
Fii mai breaz
be braver!...
Trece nufarul pe ape
Waterlily walks the water
printre crengile uscate
and beneath the dry branches
iara creanga cea mai rea
and the worst branch
cea care-i statea
that was sitting
in răni petala albă
hurt his white petal
Creanga-ceea cea mai scurta
That shortest branch
de surcele mai e buna
is better
cum preda culoarea mea
as it's giving its colour
se vede o stea
we see a star
etalon de bunatate
a standard of kindness
Ce minune, ce minune
What a wonder, what a wonder
trece peste ape oare?
is passing on the waters?
Ar fi spus in soapta
would have whispered
salciile fosnind
the rustling willows
Dara nufarul acum
But now the waterlily
are sufletul de fum
has a soul of smoke
pornind pe ape
walking the waters
printre crengile uscate
beneath the old dry branches
Nufar alb
White waterlily
Nufar alb
White waterlily
Fii mai breaz
Be braver,
Fii mai breaz
be braver!...
Ce minune, ce minune
What a wonder, what a wonder
trece peste ape oare?
is passing on the waters?
Ar fi spus in soapta
would have whispered
salciile fosnind
the rustling willows
Nufaru-i ca omul bun
The waterlily is like a good man
e frumos, cald si plapand
so beautiful, warm and plaid
dar nu cînd in viata
but not when in his life
are in fata surcele
has to face kindlings