Translation of the song Zbor artist Roșu și Negru
Ca-n fața unui cântec mare, aripe rotind,
As in front of a big song, fluttering her wings
Zboara pasarea albastra pe carari de-argint.
the blue bird is flying on silver ways
Un nor mângâie fața lunii, zborul nesupus
A cloud comforts the face of the moon, the flight unbeatable
Şi fulgi de flacara adie pasarea de sus.
And pieces of flame adorns the bird from above.
Vis în amiaza, catre nesfârşit
Midday dream to the infinity
Elibereaza gândul meu strunit.
Releases my restrained thought.
Ca o porunca, gând dezlanțuit,
Like a wish, thought unleashed,
Maiastra urca drumul spre zenit.
The bird is climbing to the zenith.
O, zbor!
Oh, flight
Drum înalt.
Such a big way
Unul catre celalalt.
one to the other
O, zbor!
Oh, flight
Drum înalt.
Such a big way
Unul catre celalalt.
one to the other
O, zbor!
Oh, flight
Drum înalt.
Such a big way
Unul catre celalalt.
one to the other
O, zbor!
Oh, flight
Drum înalt.
Such a big way
Unul catre celalalt.
one to the other
Când am trecut hotarul zilei catre asfințit,
As I went by the border of the day to the sunet
Maiastra vale aurie ne-a ademenit.
the golden valley has lured us.
Pe malul râului, ea cânta, tremura glumind
On the river bank she is singing, trembling jokingly
Şi taina serii o dezleaga ochii tai senini.
And the mystery of the evening unravels your clear eyes.
Paduri de aur ostenite-adorm.
Forests of gold are falling asleep
Frunze de laur tot aduna sol.
leaves of laurel are gathering a herald
Pasarea trece, dor ratacitor,
The bird is passing, lost longing
Şi ne petrece visul ei de zbor.
and her dream of flight is passing by us.
O, zbor!
Oh, flight
Drum înalt.
Such a big way
Unul catre celalalt.
one to the other
O, zbor!
Oh, flight
Drum înalt.
Such a big way
Unul catre celalalt.
one to the other
O, zbor!
Oh, flight
Drum înalt.
Such a big way
Unul catre celalalt.
one to the other
O, zbor!
Oh, flight
Drum înalt.
Such a big way
Unul catre celalalt.
one to the other