Translation of the song Boško i Admira artist Zabranjeno pušenje
Boško i Admira
Bosko and Admira
Davno je to bilo
It has been long ago
u zemlji koje nema više.
in a country that doesn't exist anymore
Nešto je prekrilo vrijeme
Something has covered the time
nešto ljudi zaboraviše.
Something the people forgot.
Sjećam se sudbina mnogih
I remember the destiny of a lot (of people)
u gradu ispod Trebevića,
in the city among Trebevica,
ali Boško i Admira
but Bosko and Admira
to je već bila filmska priča.
have already been a story of a movie
Oko njih su gorili dani
Around them the days have burned
nisu ni imali šanse,
they not even had a chance
al' teška vremena uvijek
but hard times always
donesu velike romanse.
bring along big romances
Nisu bili iz plemena istog
They weren't from the same race
nisu imali istoga Boga,
they hadn't the same god
al' imali su jedno drugo
but they had each other
i san o bjegu iz sveg' toga.
and a dream of escape from all that
Kažu da ljubav može
They say love can
sva zla pobjediti,
can beat every evil
ali izgleda da čovjek ne zna
but seems like the human don't know
to oružje upotrebiti,
to use these guns
Ma kakva Julija, kakav Romeo
What Julia, what Romeo
niko se nije tako volio
nobody loved each other like that
i niko nikad neće
and no one ever will
sve dok Miljacka voda teče.
as long as there's water flowing in the Miljacka
I pita se kad će još jednom
And there's the question when there will again
na svijetu malom, bijelom
on the little, white planet
da se dotaknu srca dva
two hearts touch each other
i stave ljubav ispred zastava.
and put love beyond the flags
To se ovdje događa često
This happens a lot here
postoji neki nevidljivi prag,
there's some invincible threshold
koji pređeš i anđeo u tebi
which you pass and the angel inside you
odbaci krila i postane vrag.
takes off his wings and turns into a devil
I pred snajperom na Vrbanja mostu
And in front of the sniper on the bridge Vrbanja
i pred ovim što najbolje znam,
and in front of this, which I know best
njih dvoje su stajali sami
the two have stood alone
na zadnjoj stanici svoga sna.
at the last station of their dream
Zato sjetite se njih
Therefore remember them
svi vi veliki i moćnih
All you big and mighty ones
što na retrovizoru umjesto u srcu
who instead of in their heart keep
držite ljubav, vjeru, sveti lik.
love, faith, holy character
Zato sjetite se njih
Therefore remember them
ne smije biti vam svejedno.
You can't not care
zar je nebo jedino mjesto,
Is heaven the only place
gdje možemo biti jedno,
where we can be one,
gdje možemo biti zajedno?
where we can be together?