Translation of the song Djevojčice Kojima Miriše Koža artist Zabranjeno pušenje


Djevojčice Kojima Miriše Koža

English translation

Girls Who Have Fragrant Skin

Uzalud glancaš svoje špicaste cipele

It's no use polishing your pointy shoes

uzalud otkopčavas zadnje dugme košulje

It's no use undoing the top button on your shirt

one se neće nasmijati na tvoje loše folove

They will not laugh at your bad jokes

neće se osvrnuti na tvoje dobacivanje

They won't notice your cat calls

Možeš im lagati da ti je babo direktor

You can lie to them that your old man is a manager

ili da si treća godina prava

Or that you're in the third year of law school

one će znati da si niko i ništa

They will know that you're a complete nobody

običan uhljup s Koseva

An ordinary good-for-nothing from Koševo1

I opet ćeš teturati uz memljiv zid

And again you will stumble along the mouldy wall

na iskrivljenoj česmi oprat ćeš lice

At the slanted fountain you'll wash your face

sjest na pločnik, zapalit cigaru

Sit down on the pavement, light up a fag

i gledati na drugu stranu ulice

And look across on the other side of the street

S one strane ulice stanuju djevojčice

On the other side of the street live girls

kojima, kojima miriše koža

Who have, who have fragrant skin

S one strane ulice stanuju djevojčice

On the other side of the street live girls

kojima, kojima miriše koža

Who have, who have fragrant skin

S one strane ulice stanuju djevojčice

On the other side of the street live girls

kojima, kojima miriše koža

Who have, who have fragrant skin

S one strane ulice stanuju djevojčice

On the other side of the street live girls

kojima miriše koža

Who have, who have fragrant skin

One vole frajere koji nose bradice

They like cool guys who have beards

i čije ih riječi ostave bez daha

And whose words leave them breathless

koji nikad ne prave belaja

Who never cause trouble

koji nikad ne psuju Alaha

Who never blaspheme against God2

Ne znaju one da ti je srce

They don't know that your heart

veće neg' u tog bradatog gmaza

Is bigger than that bearded reptile's

nikad ti neće pružiti šansu

They will never give you a chance

ne poznaješ dovoljno efektnih fraza

You don't know enough impressive cliches

I opet ćeš teturati uz memljiv zid

And again you will stumble along the mouldy wall

na iskrivljenoj česmi oprat ćeš lice

At the slanted fountain you'll wash your face

sjest na pločnik, zapalit cigaru

Sit down on the pavement, light up a fag

i gledati na drugu stranu ulice

And look across on the other side of the street

S one strane ulice stanuju djevojčice

On the other side of the street live girls

kojima, kojima miriše koža

Who have, who have fragrant skin

S one strane ulice stanuju djevojčice

On the other side of the street live girls

kojima, kojima miriše koža

Who have, who have fragrant skin

S one strane ulice stanuju djevojčice

On the other side of the street live girls

kojima, kojima miriše koža

Who have, who have fragrant skin

S one strane ulice stanuju djevojčice

On the other side of the street live girls

kojima miriše koža

Who have, who have fragrant skin

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