Fikreta, između mene i dna
Fikreta, between me and the rock bottom
Još samo ti stojiš, Fikreta
There is just you standing there, Fikreta
I možda bi trebalo
And maybe you should
Da se skloniš otuda
Get away from this place
I da počneš iz početka
And start from the beginning
Da ne pereš više tuđa stubišta
So you don't have to wash other people's staircases
Zbog mojih lutanja, kafana i tombola
Because of my wandering, bars and tombolas
Ti znaš da lažem da se promijenit neću nikad
You know that I'm lying that I'm never going to change
Život je jedan, živi ga Fikreta
There's only one life, live it, Fikreta
Ooooo u lošoj formi sam
Ooooooh, I'm in a bad form
Ooooo u lošoj formi sam
Ooooooh, I'm in a bad form
I zato ne želim da budeš
That's why I don't want you to be
Tu kraj mene, prošetaj
Next to me, take a walk
Nekada davno voljela si čovjeka
Once upon a time you used to love a man
Taj čovjek, to već dugo nisam ja
That man, it's no longer me
Već dugo u lošoj formi sam
I'm in a bad form for a long time
Uzalud me uspravljaš
You're holding me up in vain
Fikreta mi trešnje iznijela
Fikreta brought me cherries
A ja se sjetim nekog filma o pticama
And I remembered some bird movie
Kada je ptici u lošoj formi drug
When bird's comrade is in a bad form,
Tada ni ona ne leti na jug
Then it doesnt' fly to south neither