Translation of the song Genter artist Zabranjeno pušenje



English translation


Ja se zovem Šehović Selver

My name is Sehovic Selver

Bio sam inspektor SUP-a, strog i pravedan

I was the SUP inspector, strict and righteous

Ili što bi raja rekla - genter klasičan

Or what friends would say - classical genter

Moj burazer Elči je šaner

My brother Elci is a reveler

Voli da kocka, obija i krade

He likes to gamble, rob and steals

Elči je oduvijek bio s druge strane barikade

Elci has always been on the other side of the barricade

Treba mu se zvala Elma

His girlfriend was called Elma

I taman ga je krenulo

And it was a fresh start for him

Počeo je u TAS-u radit', nije skit'o okolo

He started working at TAS, he was on the right path

23. marta prsten na ruku joj je stavio

The March 23. he put a ring on her finger

6. aprila Elči je već ratov'o

On the 6th of April Elci was already in the war

Bila je to luda noć, kad je Elči odlučio da krene

It was a crazy night, when Elci decided to go

Elma je ljubila njega i mene

Elma was kissing him and me

Dok je bend u kafani svirao:

While the band played in the bar:

Još i danas teku suze jedne žene.

One woman's tears are still running today.

Bilo je to vrijeme

That was the time

Kad je strah došao u grad

When fear came to the city

Vrijeme kad bi brzo sazn'o 'ko je čovjek, 'ko je smrad

It was a timewhen u quickly could find out 'who's a man,' and who's stinking

Bilo je to vrijeme kad su i jaki padali

It was the time when strong ones fall

Zbog Marlbora i koke Elma posta treba

Because of Marlbor (Cigarettes) and coke Elma has sold her self

Mirsi Kujači

Mirsi Kujači (to this man)

Mirso je bio lafo heroj

Mirso was a fake hero

Ratov'o je dana tri

He was in the war for three days

Nabavio džipa i hromirani kolt i post'o privrednik

He got a jeep and a chrome gun and became a businessman

Jednom mi je zovn'o turu, rekoh - Nemoj se trošiti.

He once wanted to by one tour (of drinks), I said - Do not waste your money.

A on će na to - Ma nije ono safun, neće se potrošiti.

And he will say - It's not the safun (soap) , it will not be spent.

A ja se sjetih noći kad je Elči odlučio da krene

And I remembered the night when Elci decided to go

I Elme što je ljubila njega i mene

And Elme who was kissing him and me

Dok je bend u kafani svirao

While the band played in the coffee bar

Još i danas teku suze jedne žene.

One woman's tears are still running today.

Kad se vratio Elči doš'o je do mene

When Elci came back, he came to me

I počeo da dere slike njene

And he started to tear apart her pictures

Rekoh - Buraz, ne valja trčat' ni zbog tramvaja, a ni zbog žene.

I said - Bro, do not run for the tram, or for the woman.

A on će na to - Selvere brate, htio sam prvo nju pa sebe.

And he would say to it - Selvere brother, I placed her in front of me (in his heart).

Ma 'ajde bolan, što ti sve to treba da sjebeš život

Come on bro, why do you need this to fuck your life

Zbog polovne trebe

Because of the strumpet woman

Elči se parkir'o, sati malo sitniji

Elci has parked, in the late hour

U autu srola joint da si dadne kuraži

In the car he roll a joint to become a lit bit braver

Izađe i zaurla da ga čuju svi

He went out of a car and started to yell

Đe si Mirso, jeb'o mater, mišu džamijski!

Where are you Mirso, motherfucker, you dump mouse from the mosque!

Zvali su me, ali kasno stig'o sam na lice mjesta

They called me, but I came late

Vidim tamo roknut čovjek, vidim tamo Elči svezan

I saw a dead man there, and I saw Elci tied

Raziđimo se malo. - kažem - Federalna murija.

Give me some space. - I said - The Federal Police.

Šta me gledaš??? Razguli odavde, ba!

What are you staring at ??? Get out of here!

U autu sam mu stig'o dati neke pare

I menage to give him some money in the car

U autu sam mu rek'o bježi preko bare

I told him in the car to run away over the border

U Mostaru čovjek pravi papir za tebe

In Mostar, a man is making papers for you

Gledaj da si prije jutra preko granice

Be over the border before morning time!

Bila je to kišna noć kad je Elči odlučio da krene

It was a rainy night when Elci decided to go

Bila je to zadnja noć, za njega i mene

It was the last night, for him and me

A na radiju bend je svirao

And on the radio the band was playing

Još i danas teku suze jedne žene

One woman's tears are still running today

Ja se zovem Šehović Selver

My name is Šehović Selver

Danas sam ubleha, drot bez časti...Slučaj običan

Today I'm hypocritical man, policeman without honor ... simple case

Ili što bi raja rekla - levat klasičan

Or what would friends say - classical dunderhead

Elči se ponekad javi iz raznih gradova

Elci sometimes calls from different cities

A na razglednici uvijek isto piše

And sends a postcard that always says the same

Il' si bos, il' si hadžija

''You are or barefoot or wealthy''

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