Translation of the song Halid umjesto Halida artist Zabranjeno pušenje
Halid umjesto Halida
Halid instead of Halid
Tamo negdje iza sedam gora,
Somewhere there behind seven mountains,
Gdje vozi OOUR Prigradski saobraćaj
where ''Town traffic'' Ltd. is driving,
U maloj kući se rodio Halid,
In a small house Halid was born,
Na nebu je zvijezda zasjala
Star shone up in the sky
Gazda iz kafane Višnja reče:
Boss from the ''Cherry'' tavern said:
Ljudi ovo je dobar znak
''People, this is a good sign
Bit će pjevač, glumac il' političar,
He'll be singer, actor or politician,
A možda i Halid mjesto Halida!
and maybe Halid instead of Halid''
Škola mu nije išla bog zna kako
He wasn't so good at school,
Mrzile ga profesorice
Professors hated him,
A sve je puklo kad je maznuo
And it collapsed when he stole
Lovu od ekskurzije
money from school trip.
Poš'o je pjevati po kafani
He went to sing at tavern,
Bilo je gadno bilo je degeneka
It was bad there were fights
K'o onda kad je pjev'o Tamo daleko
Like then when he sang ''Far far away''
Kamiondžiji iz Čitluka
to truck driver from Čitluk.
Al' sve se nekako predevera
But you can climb past all of that,
Kad imaš viziju imaš san
when you have a vision, when you have a dream
Gutu para, koka povazdan
He's full of money, coke all day
Da budeš Halid mjesto Halida
So you can be Halid instead of Halid
Menađer Boro ga uzeo pod svoje
Manager Boro took him under him own,
U Sarajevu da ploče snimaju
In Sarajevo to record vinyls
Novine su pisale:To nisu čista posla
Newspapers wrote:'' That aint clean business
Tu se turske pjesme hapaju!
There's a lot of turkish songs''
Al' Halidu su rekli da ne pita ništa
But they told Halid not to ask questions,
Da se smije i kad ne konta fol
to laugh even when he doesn't understand the joke,
Imat će kuću s teniskim terenom
he'll have house with tennis court,
BMW-a kešom plaćenog
BMW payed in cash
Al' sve se nekako predevera
But you can climb past all of that,
Kad imaš viziju, imaš san
when you have a vision, when you have a dream
Gutu para, koka povazdan
He's full of money, coke all day
Da budeš Halid mjesto Halida
So you can be Halid instead of Halid
Dobro je mali, odmori malo
It's okay kid, take a rest
Ovdje bi treb'o ići solo,
Here should go solo,
Tu se naša priča prekida
this is where our story breaks apart
Uglavnom Halid i postade Halid
anyways Halid did become Halid
Mjesto Halida
instead of Halid
Hajd opet mali
Come on again
Fala daidža
Thank you uncle
A sad opet ja
Now me again
Al' dobre pjesme dobiv'o je sve rjeđe
But he was given good songs more rarely
Prestigli ga neki pastuvi brzi
He was overtaken by some fast stallions
Što im je nekad zvao ture
To whom he used to pay drinks
Što ih je pusto da vire kada guzi
To whom he let peek when he was getting some ass
Štok mu u ruci mjesto mikrofona
''Stock whiskey'' in his hand instead of microphone
Sve rjeđe na naslovnim stranama
Rarely on cover pages
Ženu su mu vidjeli na Stojičevcu
His wife was seen at Stojičevac
S nekim juniorom Sarajeva
With some football club junior
Al' jedno veče se odvez'o u brda
But one night he drove himself up on mountains
I odozgo gled'o kako svijetli grad
and from there he looked at city lights
I iznad neke male kuće
and above some small house
Na nebu je zvijezda zasjala
the star shone up in the sky
I k'o da mu se neka velika težina
and like some big weight
Sama s leđa skinula
was lifted from his back
Došlo je vrijeme da neko drugi bude
It was time that someone else was
Halid mjesto Halida
Halid instead of Halid