Translation of the song Kada dernek utihne artist Zabranjeno pušenje


Kada dernek utihne

English translation

kada dernek utihne

Kada dernek utihne

When the party quiets down (settles down)

I noć dođe do kraja

And the night comes to an end

Kada ostane da pjeva

When the only ones left singing

Samo prava raja

Are the real people (crowd)

Kada osjetim iz pogleda

When I feel from your glance

Pogleda koji si krila

Your glance, that you've been hiding

I kažem ti, ti si moja

And I tell you, you are mine

I oduvijek si bila

And you always were

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Kada dernek utihne

When the party quiets down (settles down)

I noć dođe do kraja

And the night comes to an end

Kada ostane da pjeva

When the only ones left singing

Samo prava raja

Are the real people (crowd)

Ja ti nudim riječi

I am offering you words

U dnu duše skriveni

Hidden at the depths of my soul

Gledam te, ne krijem se

Im looking at you, (and) Im not hiding

Ti me gurni il' zagrli

You either push me away or hug me (hold me)

Ref. 2x

Ref. 2x

Kada dernek utihne

When the party quiets down (settles down)

I dodir usana

And the touch of lips

I dogori cigara

And the touch of cigarettes

I stane muzika

And the music stops

Kada dernek utihne

When the party quiets down (settles down)

Iza kuća kad viri dan

When daybreak peaks behind my house

Otvaram vrata i krećem

Im opening the door and leaving

Ne bojim se i ne sumnjam

Im not afraid and I have no doubt

Ref. 4x

Ref. 4x

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