Translation of the song Karabaja artist Zabranjeno pušenje

Bosnian, Croatian, Serbian


English translation


Ponekad noću, kada nema svjetla

Sometimes at night, when I don't have any light

I ne vidi se put od kiše i od vjetra

And the road can't be seen because of the rain and wind

Sjetim se njega - Karabaja

I remember him - Karabaja

I tu počinje ta priča, negdje nasred Trebevića

And so the story begins, somewhere in the middle of Trebević

Auto mi je stao u mraku k'o iz krimića

Like in a crime novel, my car stopped in the dark

Strava prava - Karabaja

Really frightful - Karabaja

Kad kroz zavjesu od kiše priđe čovjek k'o da kliže

When through the curtain of rain a man approaches like he's sliding

Kožna jakna puna sjaja, pruža ruku

A leather jacket full of glimmer, giving a hand

Reče kratko - Karabaja

He says briefly - Karabaja

Ja sam biker, nisam rauber, 'ajde prošetaj do haube

I'm a biker, not a rauber, come on, let's walk to the car's hood

možda napravimo nešto od te tvoje robe s greškom

Maybe we can make something from those faulty goods of yours

reče sa smješkom

He said with a smile

Ma pusti prdn'o je u šišu, a on samo reče tišu

'Yeah right' I thought, but he just told me to be quiet

I dok rukama si pljesn'o, stari auto već je kresn'o

And by the time you clapped your hands, the old car was on

Strava prava - Karabaja

Really frightful - Karabaja

Rekoh sebi simpa junkie - e baš ću pričat' Branki

I thought to myself - man, I gotta tell this to Branka

Haj'mo nešto popit' čovjek si čudan al' duhovit

Let's go drink something, you're a weird man but witty

Neka hvala - Karabaja

'No thanks, I'm good' - Karabaja

I još mi je rek'o, prije neg' je nest'o

And one more thing he told me, before disappearing,

Dole u Harley baru pronađi moju raju

Down in Harley bar find my people

Reci da sam te ja posl'o i da ti srede motor

Tell them that I sent you and to fix your engine

Dobar si čovjek imaš jaja, pozdravlja te Karabaja

You're a good man, you got balls, Karabaja salutes you



Karabaja mora dalje

Karabaja must go on

Karabaja naći mora

Karabaja has to find

Karabaja ne može na nebo

Karabaja can't go to heaven

Otić' bez motora

Without a motor

To be continued....

To be continued...

Parkiram se, uđem u Harley bar

I park, enter the Harley bar

I upratim tu sam čovjek vrlo stran

And I notice that I'm a man that stands out a lot here

Like a krme in Teheran

Like a pig in Teheran

Osjetim poglede na sebi i da se smot'o ne bi

I feel eyes on me and so that I don't trip over myself

Prvi progovaram, sve vas pozdravlja Karabaja

I'm the first to speak, Karabaja send his regards

Nasta muk u kafani, ni'ko ništa nije pit'o

A silence fell through the tavern, no one asked anything

Atmosfera je bila k'o kad je umro Tito

Atmosphere was like when Tito died

Najveći sin

The greatest son

Priđe mi stariji roker Ma jesi normalan, jeb'o te

An old rockstar came to me 'Are you insane, for fuck's sake,

Karabaja se, ljepoto, rast'o sa životom

Karabaja has, dear, departed from life,

Izbo ga stoper, ukr'o mu motor.

Got stabbed by a hitchhiker, stole his motor'

Karabaja mora dalje

Karabaja must go on

Karabaja naći mora

Karabaja has to find

Karabaja ne može na nebo

Karabaja can't go to heaven

Otić' bez motora

Without a motor

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