Translation of the song Kažu mi da novog frajera imaš artist Zabranjeno pušenje
Kažu mi da novog frajera imaš
They say you have a new guy
Dobro, pa ti se javi, dobro
Good, you get it, good
ma ne, ja sam mislio
no worries, I thought
onaj amer'čki film da pogledamo
we would watch that American film
a ti se dogovorila
but you already made plans
aha, dobro, dobro, ajd' dobro
aha, good, good, that's cool
Kažu mi da novog frajera imaš
They say you have a new guy
nisam ga vidio
I haven't seen him
al' znam da nije loš
but I know he's not bad
ti si vazda znala da biraš
you always knew how to pick them
ti si vazda tražila još
you always searched for an upgrade
Kažu mi da novog frajera imaš
They say you have a new guy
koji te s'autom čeka poslije škole
who after school picks you up in his car
i koji s visine gleda na nas
and who looks down on us other guys
druge dječake koji te vole
who also love you
kažu, kažu
they say, they say
Ti ćeš s njime da ideš na Jahorinu
You'll go with him to Jahorina
tamo je lijepo i zdravo, šta vise
there it's happy and healthy, what could be better?
a ja cu ostati u prljavom gradu
but I'll stay here in this dirty city
i ustima hvatati kapi kiše
catching drops of rain in my mouth
Kažu mi da novog frajera imaš
They say you have a new guy
koji se sjajno slaže
who perfectly fits
s tvojom novom tašnom
with your new bag
a kada tasna izadje iz mode
but when the bag goes out of style
hoce l' s njime biti
will the same thing happen to him
isto ko sa mnom
that happened to me?
Kažu mi da novog frajera imaš
They say you have a new guy
koji sjajno priča i fino miriše
who speaks articulately and smells fine
al' ne zna da je u tvom životu
but what he doesn't know is that in your life
samo stepenica, korak više
he's just a ladder, just another step you'll walk over
kažu, kažu
they say, they say