Translation of the song Ljubav udari često tamo gdje ne treba artist Zabranjeno pušenje
Ljubav udari često tamo gdje ne treba
Love often strikes where it shouldn't
Podno planina i orlovih krila on je pio potok s izvora
Under the mountains and the eagles' wings he drank water from a well
Vode su tekle, a srne bi rekle raja eno malog Milana
The waters ran and the roes would say: People, here is little Milan
Vatra s ognjišta je grijala pet sjenki sa zidova,
The fire from the hearth warmed five shadows on the wall
A na zidu Zvezda crvena, Bijelo Dugme i Sveti Nikola
And on the wall there was a red star, a white button and St. Nicolas
Pored kuće štala
Next to the house there was a stable
U štali sjeno ispod sjena maljutka
In the stable, there - hay, and under the hay, a malyutka*
Sestra se bila dobro udala
His sister had married well,
A u brata firma krenula
His brother's business was successful
Al' otac je bio tmuran na dan Arhanđela Gavrila
But his father was sulky on St. Gabriel's day
Govorio je svečano riječima predaka
He was talking solemnly with the words of their ancestors
Mog dedu su jurili Turci, a vašeg Austrija
My grandfather was hunted by the Turks, and yours by Austria
Ja sam bježo od ustaškog noža, od tada sam sjed
I had to hide from Ustashas' knifes, that made my hair gray
Opet je vrijeme da se Srpstvo brani puškom,
Again, it is time to defend Serbs with a gun,
Stante djeco u red
Line up my children
Fazila je bila meka svila prava vila, samo bez krila
Fazila was as soft as silk, a true fairy, only without wings
Babo joj je trgovo kožom od Visokog pa do Goražđa
Her dad traded leather, from Visoko, to Gorazhde
U kući vazda osmjesi, baklava i puna tepsija
In their home, always smiles, baklava** and plenty of food
Imala je četiri brata, četiri vita jelena
She had four brothers, four limber deers
Al' majka je suzna klanjala na prvi dan Bajrama
But their mother was praying in tears on the first day of Bayram
Babo je zborio mirno, kao stari hadžija
Her dad was talking calmly, like a Hajji*** from the ancient times
Mora se djeco braniti Bosna, naša jedina
Children, we have to defend Bosnia, our own
Zagleda se tad u brata brat,
A brother looked at a brother,
Nema sumnje počinje rat
No doubt, the war is starting
Bila je noć i bila je hladna smještena vješta zasjeda
It was night and it was cold, an ambush was set up proficiently
Akciju su vodila četiri brata, četiri vita jelena
The action was lead by four brothers, four limber deers
Odjeknu lelek klancima, prosu se krv rijekama
The wailing echoed in gorges, the blood spilled down the rivers
Žive uhvatiše par momaka
They caught several young man alive
Živog i brata Milana
They also caught Milan's brother alive
Kontraofanziva kao što to biva bila je zestoka
The counterstrike, as it happens, was fierce
Srpsku vojsku vodio je lično pukovnik Slavko Lisica
Serbian army was led by Colonel Slavko the Fox in person
Noć se okrenu naopako, nema više ni svitanja
The night turned upside down, the dawn never came
Po srušenoj čaršiji lutao je Milan
Milan was roaming the destroyed town
Tražeć brata rođena
Looking for his own brother
Al' umjesto brata ispod jorgovana stajala je lijepa Fazila
But instead of his brother, under a lilac bush, beautiful Fazila was standing
Ti ideš sada samnom jasna su pravila
You are coming with me now, the rules are clear
Tvoja braća drže moga brata
Your brothers have my brother
Slijedi razmjena
There's gonna be an exchange
Ništa ti se neće desit ako budeš pametna
Nothing will happen to you, if you are smart
Al' ljubav udari često tamo gdje ne treba
But love often strikes where it shouldn't
I kad joj se čovjek najmanje nada
And when you least expect it
A kad ljubav udari strasno tu stiže i nesreća
And when love strikes with passion
I u plamenu sve obično strada
A disaster follows
Pet dana je sjedila u uglu, kao pet stotina godina
She was sitting in a corner for five days, like five hundred years
Pet noći od straha pet jutara bez dodira
Five nights of fear, five mornings, without a touch
Šesti dan se u njima probudi luda bečtija
On the sixth day, a wild beast awoke in them
Šesti dan, kao san, ljubav se rodila
On the sixth day, like in a dream, the love was born
Blagi dodir usnama, jebena je sudbina
A gentle touch of the lips, destiny is a bitch
Zar ti je mala Turkinja mozak popila
Did the little Turk steal your brains
Zar ti ništa ne znače srpstvo i Sveti Nikola
Don't serbianship and St. Nicolas mean anything to you?
Zar da ti brata na kolac nabiju, govorila je rodbina
Do you want to get your brother impaled on the pole, relatives asked
Zar ne znaš da je rat, đe ziviš ti
Where do you live, don't you know we are at war?
Ona ostaje samnom jeb'te se svi
She stays with me, fuck you all
I uzalud je stig'o haber da je spremna razmjena
And in vain the notice came that the exchange was ready
Uzalud je babo slao novce
In vain her dad sent money
Vrati nam se jedina
Come back our only daughter
Moja je ovdje zadnja, ja ne idem od Milana
I have the last word here, I am not leaving Milan
Jer ljubav udari često tamo gdje ne treba
Cause love often strikes where it shouldn't
I kad joj se čovjek najmanje nada
And when you least expect it
A kad ljubav udari strasno tu stiže i nesreća
And when love strikes with passion
I u plamenu sve obično strada
A disaster follows
Sve do zime nisu izlazili iz svog malog brloga
Until the winter they didn't leave their small lair
Prokleti da su Milan i Fazila i od Boga i od naroda
Let Milan and Fazila be accursed, by God, and by people
Kažu da ih je grijala neka đavolja ljubav vatrena
It is said that some fiery devilish love kept them warm
Kažu da je ta vrela ljubav jedne noći kuću zapalila
It is said that one night, that hot love put the fire on the house
Gorio je strašan plamen iznad bosanskih planina
A horrible flame was burning over Bosnian mountains
A vojska tvrdi da tjela nisu nigdje nađena
And the army claims that their bodies were never recovered
Neke babe su ih vidjele da lete poput anđela
Some old woman saw them flying like angels
Primila ih je Amerika javio je novinar Reutera
America took them, a Reuters journalist reported
Ali nije znao tačno ko je dobio azil
But he didn't know exactly who got an asylum
Milan i Fazila il' Milana i Fazil
Milan and Fazila or Milana and Fazil
Jer ljubav udari često tamo gdje ne treba
Cause love often strikes where it shouldn't
I kad joj se čovjek najmanje nada
And when you least expect it
A kad ljubav udari strastno tu stiže i nesreća
And when love strikes with passion
I u plamenu sve obično strada
A disaster follows
Podno planina i orlovih krila on je pio potok s izvora
Under the mountains and the eagles' wings he drank water from a well