Translation of the song Lutka sa naslovne strane artist Zabranjeno pušenje


Lutka sa naslovne strane

English translation

Front Page Doll

U tebe smo se kleli

We swore by you

Na tebe trošili plate

Spent our money on you

Zamišljali trenutke s tobom

Imagined moments with you

U kafani lagali jedan drugom

Lied to one another in the café

Zbog tebe smo se tukli

We fought because of you

Kupovali vrućih đevreka

Bought hot simits1

O kako si samo odudarala ti

Oh, how you set yourself apart

Od memle i blata Sedrenika

From the smog and mud of Sedrenik2

Al tvoje su misli bile daleko

But your dreams were big

Htjela si u foto-modele

You wanted to be a photo-model

Skupa svila i skupe pele

Expensive silk and expensive shoes

I gola si se slikala vele

You photographed yourself naked, they say

Zbog tebe smo se tukli

We fought because of you

Kupovali vrućih đevreka

Bought hot simits

O kako si samo odudarala ti

Oh, how you set yourself apart

Od memle i blata Sedrenika

From the smog and mud of Sedrenik

Virili smo dok se presvlačiš

We peeked while you were changing

Ma nije bilo ljepše

There was nothing more beautiful

Pod Alahovim svodom

Under Allah's vaulted roof

Pjesme smo ti pjevali

We sung you songs

A tvoja nas je nana

And your grandma

Polijevala vodom

Poured water over us

Al tvoje su misli bile daleko

But your dreams were big

Htjela si u foto-modele

You wanted to be a photo-model

Skupa svila i skupe pele

Expensive silk and expensive shoes

I gola si se slikala vele

You photographed yourself naked, they say

Htjela si da tvoje aktove

You wanted your acts

Vidi barem pola svijeta

To be seen by half the world

A sada u granapu Sedrenika

But now in the market of Sedrenik

Lokalni dripci te pitaju

Local rascals ask you

Lutko, pošto je pašteta

Doll, how much is the paté

Htjela si da tvoje aktove

You wanted your acts

Vidi barem pola svijeta

To be seen by half the world

A sada u granapu Sedrenika

But now in the market of Sedrenik

Lokalni dripci te pitaju

Local rascals ask you

Lutko, pošto je pašteta

Doll, how much is the paté

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