Translation of the song Murga Drot artist Zabranjeno pušenje


Murga Drot

English translation

Officer Murga

Naš Murga nije običan drot

Our Murga isn't an ordinary officer

njegove metode su modernije

his methods are modern

on te prvo ponudi cigarom

first he offers you a cigar

pa te poslije razbije

then he beats you down

Murga nije običan drot

Murga isn't an ordinary cop

zanimaju ga psiho-fenomeni

psycho-phenomena interest him

svakom se unese u lice i kaže

he grabs all and says to their faces

zasvirat ćes ti klavir meni

you'll play the piano for me

Ponekad izmaltretira kakvog klinca

Every so often he'll mock some kid

od ovih rukovodečih glava

of these guiding leaders

poslije se Murga duboko klanja

afterwards, Murga slaughters

poslije se Murga dugo izvinjava

afterwards, Murga apologizes deeply



The night is dark

The night is dark

and the night is hot

and the night is hot

it is right time

it is the right time

for you, Murga drot

for you, officer Murga

noc je tmava, noc je horka

The night is dark, the night is hot

je to spravne ćas

it is the right time

pro tebe pane Murga

for you, officer Murga

Otkako je gled'o Tačno u podne

Ever since Murga watched High Noon

Murga ide sredinom džade

Murga walked the center of the road

toki-voki prislanja na uho

He sets a walkie-talkie to his ear

pažljivo sluša komande

and listens diligently to commands

Mozda ga baš većeras u mraku

Maybe, in the dark, tonight

čeka njegov komad slave

awaits his piece of fame

dodijalo mu marisat' uvijek istu raju

he bargained their beat downs, always with the same gang

legitimacija mu navrh glave

legitimacy was on his mind



I dok sjedim ovdje u baru

And while I sit here in this bar

i kroz prozor promatram njega

I watch him through the window

kontam da je Freud u pravu

I'm thinking if Freud was right

i da je seks korijen svega

and if sex is the cause of all things

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