Translation of the song Neću da budem Švabo artist Zabranjeno pušenje


Neću da budem Švabo

English translation

I won't be a Nazi*

Slavni režiser je u našem gradu

A famous director is in our city

snima novi film, kažu, bit će dobar

he's shooting a new movie, they say it will be good

strani glumci, prijemi i lova

foreign actors, reception and cash

nema sumnje, smiješi mu se Oskar

there's no doubt, an Oscar is incoming

Trebat će on i mnogo statista

He will also need a lot of extras

za masovne i grandiozne scene

for massive and grandiose scenes

iako kažu da on dobro plaća

even though they say that he pays well

tamo neće, neće biti mene

there I will, there I will not be



Neću da budem Švabo

I won't be a Nazi

u dotiranom filmu

in a subsidized movie

neću da budem statist

I won't be an extra

u životu i u kinu

in life nor in the cinema

neću da budem Švabo

I won't be a Nazi

Švabo da budem neću

a Nazi I won't be

Neću da budem okupator

I won't be an occupier

ima neki đavo u mojoj psihi

there's some devil in my psyche

neću da budem Švabo

I won't be a Nazi

kad ne mogu biti Prle niti Tihi

when I cannot be Prle nor Tihi**

neću da budem Švabo

I won't be a Nazi

Švabo da budem neću

a Nazi I won't be

Glavni glumci bi htjeli

The main actors would want

da su na pravoj strani

to be on the right side

ja da budem Švabo

for me to be a Nazi

a oni partizani

and for them to be partisans

0 140 0 2 years ago Administrator

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