Translation of the song Nedelja kad je otišao Hase artist Zabranjeno pušenje
Nedelja kad je otišao Hase
The Sunday when Hase left
Ljudi su išli u kolonama
People were walking in queues
nikom nije smet'o vjetar što je dun'o
Nobody minded the wind that was blowing
te majske nedelje je došao Osijek
That Sunday in May, Osijek came around
al' opet je Koševo bilo puno
But Koševo was full anyway
Bio sam tad još sasma mali
I was still very young at the time
i nisam znao zašto neki plaču
And I didn't know why some people were crying
rekoh sebi, provuću se džaba
I said to myself, I'll get in for free
sjesti negdje i navijaću
I'll sit down somewhere and root
Prođoh pokraj jednog redara
I passed by a security guard
a on samo svoju cigaru pali
And he just lit his cigarette
kaže, prođi sad i ne boj se ništa
He says, go ahead, and don't be afraid
danas te niko neće dirati, mali
Nobody will touch you today, kid
Sjedoh negdje u gužvu, u raju
I sat somewhere in the crowd, among the people
i čuh samo brujanje mase
And all I could hear was the hum of the crowd
danas nam odlazi Asim Ferhatović
Asim Ferhatović is leaving us today
danas nam odlazi naš Hase
Our Hase is leaving us today
Nedelja kad je otišao Hase
The Sunday when Hase left
nedelja kad je otišao Hase
The Sunday when Hase left
i BBC na mome radiju
BBC on my radio
Oslobođenje u mojim rukama
Oslobođenje in my hands
I dok je utakmica ova trajala
And while this game was going on
stariji ljudi su uzimali riječ
The older people spoke up
Sine, Hase je tuk'o
Son, Hase beat
Engleze, Švabe i Ruse
The English, Jerries and Russians
i ovo sad mu je posljednji meč
And this here is his last game
Bješe rezultat jedan-jedan
The score was one to one
kad sudija odsvira kraj
When the referee whistled for the end
spustiše se zastave stadiona Koševo
The flags of Koševo stadium were lowered
stade jedna nedelja da se nastavi maj
A Sunday stopped and a May continued
Nedelja kad je otišao Hase
The Sunday when Hase left
- okrenu se Hase poslednji put
- Hase turned for the last time
Nedelja kad je otišao Hase
The Sunday when Hase left
- uzdignutih pesnica i ozarena lica
- With raised fists and a smile on his face
Nedelja kad je otišao Hase
The Sunday when Hase left
- kao da veli, mene više nema
- As if to say, I am gone now
- al' imate još mnogo važnih utakmica
- But you still have many important games ahead
Izlazili smo svi iz stadiona ćutke
We all left the stadium in silence
čulo se samo brujanje mase
All that could be heard was the hum of the crowd
poneki usklik i poneka zastava
A few cries and a few flags
Svi u napad, jedan je Hase
Everybody forward, there's only one Hase
Svi u napad, svi u napad
Everybody forward, everybody forward
Svi u napad, jedan je Hase
Everybody forward, there's only one Hase
Svi u napad, svi u napad
Everybody forward, everybody forward
Svi u napad, jedan je Hase
Everybody forward, there's only one Hase
Ju-go-slavija, Ju-go-slavija
Yu-go-slavia, Yu-go-slavia
Ju-go-slavija, Ju-go-slavija
Yu-go-slavia, Yu-go-slavia