Translation of the song Pos'o, kuća, birtija artist Zabranjeno pušenje


Pos'o, kuća, birtija

English translation

Job, house, bar

Nikad nisam bio neki veliki vjernik

I've never been very religious

nisam čit'o štampu, nisam gled'o dnevnik

I've never read or watched the news

nisam znao gdje sam i koja je klima

I didn't know where am I and which climate is this

ti si bila moje proljeće i zima

You were my spring and winter

Al' otkako je presušio okean

But since the ocean has dried up,

ja više sreće u ljubavi nemam

I don't have any more luck in love

al' otkako se ugasio vulkan

But since the volcano has turned off,

ja po cijeli dan sam po sobi lutam

I'm wandering alone in my room for the whole day



Otkako si s njim

Since you went with him,

otkako si otišla

since you went away,

život mi je siv

my life is all blue:

pos'o, kuća, birtija

job, house and bar

Završit cu sad ko svi stari cugeri

I will end up like all old drunkards

u ovome bircu gdje skupljaju se luzeri

In this bar where all the losers gather

i neću dat' nikom da ti spomene ime

I won't let anybody say your name

i TV ću gledat' od himne do himne

And I will watch TV from an anthem to an anthem



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