Translation of the song Test za dženet artist Zabranjeno pušenje

Bosnian, Croatian, Serbian

Test za dženet

English translation

Test for Paradise

Dženita je bila uvijek za Tita

Dženita was always pro-Tito

I za vlast partizana

and pro-partizan governing

Al' dopisivala se s nekom

But she corresponded with some

Rajom iz Irana

people from Iran

Imala je drugove

She had friends

Bili su joj bliski

they were close to her

Dženita se nikad nije

Dženita has never had

Poljubila filmski

a movie (french) kiss

Pisma su čitali SUP-ovci

People from SUP had read the letters

Željni odlikovanja

eager to get honours

Šta ima da piše

there was no reason for her to write

Tamo nekom iz Irana

to a random person from Iran

Mjesto da se bavi sportom

Instead of playing sports

Da marljivo studira

and studying hard

Ona vamo povazdan klanja

she prays to Allah all day

I garant špijunira!

and spys for sure

Jedno veče su došli po nju

One evening they came to get her

Dženita, necć te ni bog spast

'Dženita, neither Allah will save

Podrivala si državu, sistem

you acted against the state, the system

Rušila si narodnu vlast!

you pulled down the goverment chosen by people

Deset godina joj dade

She got 10 years

Nermina sudinica

Nermin's courtroom convicted her

Obećalo joj da će postat

she's been promised she'll become

Radnog naroda predsjednica

a president of the working class

Njena ćelija je bila uvijek čista

Her cell was always clean

Ona ili radi il' plače

she either works or crys

Oko nje same kriminalke

real criminals are around her

Oko nje same profuknjače

real hookers are around her

Noću je mislila:Zar će i oni,

At nights she thought: 'Even those people

Što im nema vjere u srcima,

who don't have any faith in their hearts

Zar će na kraju postati isto,

are they gonna be the same,(as beilvers)

Ista zemlja, isti prah?

the same ground, the same dust?'

Al' u dubini duše je znala

But deep down inside she knew

I manje je patila

so she sufferd less

To dobri Allah nju proba,

good Allah is giving her a challenge

Za dženet testira

and testing her for Paradise

Ali tapej ejnami alanzeje šud inibudual

Ali tapej ejnami alanzeje šud inibudual

Al' ispade da smo pod pritiskom

But it turns out that we under pressure

Oplakali druga Tita

have cryed ourselves out for drug Tito

U novoj vlasti bitan faktor

'cause in the new government a relevant person

Postade Dženita

has become Dženita

Njena kancelarija je vazda čista

Her office is always clean

Ona je u važnoj misiji

she takes part in important mission

Ona pazi da nebi neko, nešto

and also takes care that nobody accidently tells

U novinama, na televiziji

(the truth) in the newspaper, on TV

Jedno jutro me pozvalo kod nje

One morning they called me to her office

Kaže da je scenario škart

she says the scenario is really bad

Da podriva, državu, sistem

that mines the state, the system

Demokratski izabranu vlast

democraticly chosen government

Deset godina bi dobio za to

you'd get 10 years for that

U bivšem režimu

in former state

Savjetuje mi da odem negdje

she advises me to go somewhere

Da malo promijenim klimu

to change the scenery

Al' u dubini duše je znala

But deep down inside she knew

I manje je patila

so she suffered less

To dobri Allah nju proba

that good Allah is giving her a challenge

Za dženet testira

and testing her for Paradise

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