Translation of the song Ženi nam se Vukota artist Zabranjeno pušenje
Ženi nam se Vukota
Our Vukota is Getting Married
Ženi nam se Vukota
Our Vukota1 is getting married
Ženom zvanom Ljubica iz Futoga
With a woman named Ljubica from Futog2
Biće mnogo zvanica
There will be many guests
Iz razvijenih ekonomskih zajednica
From developed economic communities
Digao je Vukota
Vukota hoisted
Šator onaj veliki sa vašara
a huge ten from the fair
Biće mjesta za sve nas
There will be room for all of us
Samo neće neće biti Jašara
There just won't be room for Jašar
Dok je mene Jašara
While Jašar is still
Živoga zdravoga
Healthy and alive
Ljubica se udat neće
Ljubica won't get married
Para ima Vukota
Vukota has money
Nezvanični distributer Marlbora
He's the unofficial distributor of Marlboro3
Neka puši narod naš
Let our people smoke while
Krišom ispod spoljnjeg zida sankcija
Hiding under the outer wall of sanctions
Poklon sprema Vukota
Vukota prepares a gift
Svome tastu šleper zlatnog Marlbora
A golden truck with golden Marlboro for his father-in-law
Al' tajnu čuva Ljubica
But Ljubica is keeping a secret
Da vječno voli samo svoga Jašara
That she will forever only love her Jašar
Dok je mene Jašara
While Jašar is still
Živoga zdravoga
Healthy and alive
Ljubica se udat neće
Ljubica won't get married
Slavio je Vukota
Vukota celebrated
Slavilo je 620 svatova
He celebrated 620 weddings
Tri se dana pjevalo
They sang for three days
Pet je puta dolazila murija
The cops came five times
Al' kad bude treća noć
But when it's the third night
P'jani trubač viknu ljudi upomoć
The drunken trumpeter cries to the people for help
Ispred glavnog šatora
Outside the main tent
Nema više šlepera ni Marlbora
The truck is gone and so is the Marlboro
Dok je mene Jašara
While Jašar is still
Živoga zdravoga
Healthy and alive
Ljubica se udat neće
Ljubica won't get married
Istrčao Vukota
Vukota fled
Istrčao presudi mu utoka
He fled, his verdict is coming
Jašar zgrabi Ljubicu
Jašar grabs Ljubica
Šleperom kroz šumicu ka Horgošu
And with the truck, through the forest, he drives towards Horgoš4
Spremna čeka carina
The customs wait, ready
Nema šverca, mita, malverzacija
There was no smuggling, bribery, embezzlement
Spengala ih marica
The police got them
Povela se pjesma iza rešetaka
She sang the song behind bars
Dok je mene Jašara
While Jašar is still
Živoga zdravoga
Healthy and alive
Ljubica se udat neće
Ljubica won't get married
Udat neeeeeećee
She won't get married