Translation of the song Da Stanem Ne Smem artist Eldorado


Da Stanem Ne Smem

English translation

I'm Not Allowed To Stop

Moji su potezi surova hrabrost

My moves are pure courage

Neću da pokažem tugu i slabost

I don't want to show sadness and weakness

Nosim na leđima svet kao Atlas

I'm carrying the world on my back like Atlas

Život iz partera baca na patos

Life is throwing from the ground level to the floor

Teški su dani i košmari napeti ledenog noću me bude

Days are hard and tense nightmares are waking me up

Dolazi vreme za spremne i lude

Time for the ready and crazy ones is coming

Oblaci grme, znam da me čuješ

The clouds are thundering, I know you can hear me

Sudbina seče i rastavlja

Fate is cutting and detaching

Koncima rane ja sastavljam

I'm assembling my wounds with a string

Ne čekam komandu kasarna

I'm not waiting for the command - the barracks

Podižem oklop i nastavljam

I lift up my armor and continue

Neko je rođen za ulogu vođe

Someone's born for the leader role

Tamo gde stao si ja ću da prođem

I'll pass by the place where you stopped

Na vreme se kalilo gvožđe

Iron was tempered at the right time

Džaba me savijaš Gospode Bože

God you presst me for no reason

Gospode Bože

Oh my God

Ma još može

It still can



Obe mi ruke stoje u gardu

Both of my hands are standing in the guard

Život me šiba direktom u bradu

Life is flogging me directly in the chin

Mali degeni se prže na bandu

Small idiots are into the gangs (?)

Sve dok ne popiju gvozdenu štanglu

Until they don't get hit with an iron bar

Šaltam u blatu priliv računa

I scroll in the mud - the bill inflow

Prazan je stomak ubica za ljubav

The stomach is empty - a love killer

Nemoj da sereš, nije ti kurva

Don't talk bullshit, she's not your whore

Malo si neradnik debil i nula

You're a dangler, an idiot, nothing

Dobro da nisam puko bar

At least I didn't break apart

Dolina smrti i vukova

A valley of death and wolves

Komani i kurve za utovar

Junkies and whores for shipping

Mozgovi gore k'o Vukovar

Brains are burning like Vukovar

Kažu mi mnogo preteruješ

They say that I'm exaggerating

Tvoji su reperi narko

Your rappers are drug addicts

Mogu da dođem da ne čuješ

I can come and you won't even hear me

Nemoj da saznate kako

You better not find out how

Spidare propale tripuju koks

Speed collapsed now they're tripping cocaine

Svi na kreditima lajne u nos

Everyone's on credit - lines into the nose

Plave su glave prave su glave

The heads are blue, the heads are real

Marko Milošević gazda i bos

Marko Milosevic the owner and boss

Život je prost nikada gost

The life is simple, never a guest

Lažete balavce ko da ste DOS

You're lying to the kids like you're DOS

Armija sluša me, armija prati me

An army listens to me, an army follows me

K'o da sam Vrhovna komanda Broz

Like I'm Supreme Command Broz

Ponovo snimam život me šiba

I'm recording again, life is flogging me

Drugovi brzi nije žestina

The comrades are fast, it's not a force

Voda je mirna vuče dubina

Water is peaceful, depth is pulling

Moram da plivam dečko mašina

I have to swim - a boy machine

Nagazna mina povorke kancera i heroina

A mine - a procession of cancer and heroin

Gospode čuvaj mi najbliže moje

God take care of the closest ones of mine

Hanibal opet na vratima Rima

Hannibal (Barca) is at the doors of Rome again

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