Moja dela nisu reči, moja vodilja je vera
My acts are not the words, the faith is leading me
Možda ovo je i kraj kakav si na kraju htela
This might be the end you wanted
I spreman sam da stanem iza napisanog stiha
And I'm ready to stand behind my verse
Ja te volim k’o nijednu jer si posebna i tiha
I love you like no other girl because you're special and quiet
Njima davala si osmeh i davala im suze
You were giving them your smile and your tears
Ali si meni dala srce koje prenele su usne
But you gave me your heart that was carried over your lips
Ne bih da te lažem, ali prilično sam sjeban
I don't wanna lie to you, but I'm really screwed
Glavu okrenem u stranu jer ne želim da vas gledam
I turn my head to other side cuz I don't wanna look at you
Trebaće mi vreme da se naviknem bez žene
It'll take some time to get used to be without her
Jer sa tobom i kraj tebe našao sam boljeg sebe
Because I found better myself with you and next to you
Veliko je srce koje noćima te traži
A big heart is looking for you for nights
Ljubav ne živi od reči koje nazivamo laži
Love is not made of the words that we call lies
Ti si jedina, al’ više nisam tvoj heroj
You're the only one, but I'm not your hero anymore
Ti si predivna zarobila si um i telo
You're beautiful, you trapped my mind and body
Ljubav je sunovrat i ljudi je se plaše
Love is narcissus and people are scared of it
Ali mi reci posle svega, da li je vredelo to naše
But tell me, was it worth it after everything
Mi smo duhovi grada
We are the ghosts of the city
Nismo drugovi valjda
We are not friends I guess?
Njena klupa i zgrada
Her bench and her house
Jedna ljubav u nama
One love in two of us
Moja priča bez kraja
My endless story
Drugi ljubi je sada
Another guy is kissing her now
Ona gubi me, pada
She's losing me, she's falling
Zadnja umire nada (x2)
And the hope dies last
Jedno biće koje može celog da me smiri
That one person that can calm me down
I vraćam dane kad smo šetali po hladnoj zimi
And I'm heading back to the winter days when we were walking
Ja nisam savršen, ali neću ni da tebe krivim
I'm not perfect, but I don't want to blame you
Uvek si htela da ti posvetim i pesmu snimim
You always wanted me to dedicate and write a song for you
Sad nema tebe, nema nas, čekam zrake zore
Now there's no you, there's no us, I'm waiting for the dawn
I pustim glas, izbacim iz sebe sve demone
And I release my voice, I let all the demons get out of me
Ja gledam one što ti prilaze, al’ nećeš sa njima
Looking at these that approach you, but you don't want them
Jer naša veza bila im je k’o u mozgu igla
Because our relationship was like a needle in the brain
Nikad ne plačem jer nisam pička iz tih priča
I never cry because I'm not a cunt from those stories
Taj novi frajer ti je samo oličenje kiča
That new dude you're with is your kitsch
Vremena menjaju, al’ više nisi ona ista
The time changes, but you're different now
I posle svega naći ću te na margini lista
And after everything I'll find you on the margin list
Mi smo duhovi grada
We are the ghosts of the city
Nismo drugovi valjda
We are not friends I guess?
Njena klupa i zgrada
Her bench and her house
Jedna ljubav u nama
One love in two of us
Moja priča bez kraja
My endless story
Drugi ljubi je sada
Another guy is kissing her now
Ona gubi me, pada
She's losing me, she's falling
Zadnja umire nada (x4)
And the hope dies last