Translation of the song Kapljice artist Eldorado
Znaju me beton i geto, nisam otiš'o preko
The street and ghetto know me, I didn't go abroad
Više pametan nisam, šta mi je trebalo sve to
I'm not clever anymore, I didn't need all of this
Preko dana je haos, crne rupe i lanci
It's chaos during daytime, black holes and chains
Porok nađe ortaka, tragovi borbe na faci
A vice finds a friend, the traces of fighting are on the face
Ispod očiju plavo, ne od frke i tuče
It's blue under the eyes, not from rush and fight
Um se rastaje sa glavom, al' ipak cimaš i vučeš
Mind is moving apart from the head, but you still hit a blunt
Nema spavanja boy, spremi robu za žurku
No time to sleep boy, prepare the goods for a party
Magistrale te voze, djavolje kočije vuku
The highway's* driving you, those are the devil's chariots
Dan se menja za ponoć, pa uz kafu je pališ
Daytime switches with midnight, then you light it up with coffee
Keva ne traži pomoć, dok po litici gaziš
Mom doesn't look for help, while you tread on the cliff
Mali nećeš daleko, pivo, rakija, beton
Kid, you won't get far, beer, rakija, concrete
Dok ti zatrovano telo, čiste igle na urgentnom
While needles in hospital are cleaning your poisoned body
Glavonje te tapšu po ramenima
Morons are patting you on the shoulder
Alkosi, ekipica bez merila
Alcoholics, a team without criterion
Apsolutni šampioni flaša treninga
The absolute champions, a bottle of training
Kažu sipaj, samo nemoj da se nerviraš
They say pour it, just don't stress
Postupci i misli nisu trezvene
Acts and thoughts are not sober
Prvo vikendom pa redovno u zezanje
First during the weekends then partying regularly
Zaboravljao sam adresu i prezime
I was forgeting the adress and last name
Al' nisam dao nikom kući da odnese me
But I never let anyone carry me home
Da radim danas ono što smo nekad radili
If I were to do things we used to do before
To bi bili horor filmovi u najavi
Those would've been like horror movies
Zatvoriš krugove i prozore sa ulice
Close the circles and windows from the street
Otvoriš flašu to je šetnja putem kružnice
Open the bottle, that's like walking in a circle
Prekidi i cepanje u glavi
Interruptions and tearing up your head
Sve je sterilno na javi
Everything is sterile in reality
Onda zovu se drugari
And then you call your friends
Problem je kad prestane da radi
The problem is when it stops working
Onda veće količine prate podočnjaci tamni
Then the larger amount are followed by dark eyebags
Nove svetove nepostojeće gradimo
We're building new, non-existing worlds
Al' je bolje da iz govana se vadimo
But we better get out of troubles
Moju prošlost nek zaborave k'o Vavilon
Let them forget my past like Babylon
Stanje labilno zamenilo je stabilno
An unstable state was changed by the stable one
Pritisak ti raste, lupa čuka
The pressure is rising, the heart is beating
Kafa puta pljuge puta godine od jutra
Coffee times cigarettes times years from the morning
U đavolja sam uš'o postrojenja
I joined the devil's facilities
Samo izgubljeno vreme, zdravlje i po koja želja
Only the lost time, health and a few wishes
Koža menja svoju boju i mirisi su gadni
The skin changes its color, and the smell is bad
Dok se memorija briše i sve manje pamtiš stvari
While the memory is erasing and you remember less and less things
Ne čuješ svoj alarm organizma
You don't hear the alarm of your organism
Duboko si u govnima al' ne smeš to da priznaš
You can't get out of troubles, and you can't admit that
Ne treba ti povod stalno toči se
You don't need the reason to constantly pour
Boli jetra ko ga jebe kažeš proći će
Your liver hurts, but who cares, you say it's fine
Nalet emocija redovno te spotiče
The burst with emotions regularly stumbles you
Padnu suze al' to nikoga ne dotiče
Tears fall down but it doesn't bother anybody
Svi su braća kada piju gladne odnose
Everybody is nice to you when they drink hungry relationships [?]
Kumovi na rakiji izbodu se
Drunk godfathers stab each other
Znaš, u svemu mora biti granice
You know, everything has its limits
Čudne brakove i decu prave kapljice
Weird marriages and children are made by the drops
Menjaš sliku iz realnosti u nestvarno
You change the picture from reality into the unrealistic
Dok se probudiš iz glave sve je nestalo
Before you wake up, everything disappeared from your head
Tvoji vide da još uvek nisi prestao
Your parents see that you still haven't stop
Stalno pijan si u poteri za restartom
You're always drunk when chasing the restart
Dani prolaze, a koža ti je tesnija
Days go by, and your skin is tighter
Šibaju nervoza i depresija
Stress and depression are hitting hard
Mnogo dana ta se glava nije treznila
That head wasn't sober for several days
Mamuran u zoru prepun besnila!
Hung over and full of anger in the dawn!