Translation of the song Marina artist Eldorado



English translation


Okolina menja ljude, zato svoje ljude biraj

The environment changes people, so choose your people

jer kad udjes u masinu vise nema nazad nikad

beacuse when you got stuck in the machine, you can't go back

njeno ime je Marina i svi ga pamte lako

her name is Marina, and everyone remembers it easily

ali njena reputacija je krenula ovako

but her reputations went this way

Mlada cura lepo dete koju roditelji vole

Young girl, nice kid, her parents love her

mnogo vise no sto zna, pa se trude da joj stvore

more than she can tell, so they are trying to create for her

kada vrati se iz skole vreme provodi na cosku

when she comes back from school, she spends her time at the corner

i sama sprema rucak jer su njeni tad na poslu

and she prepares lunch by herself because all of hers are at the work then

danima je tako pa se lako i otudji

it has been like that for days

ali roditelje nema sve su manje bili kuci

so it is easy for her to alienate

a Marina koju znaju sada postala je tinejdzer

but her parents are gone, they are home less

i falilo je malo da joj zivot bude sredjen

and Marina whom they know is now a teenager

odlazi u skolu al` na casovima kasni

and it took just a little to make her life settled

jer u zadnje vreme kaze kako ne moze da zaspi

she goes to school, but she's late to the classes

ima podocnjake plave, njeno lice jeste bledo

because lately, as she says, she cannot sleep

ali zelela je samo da pred svima bude emo

she has blue bags, her face is pale indeed

roditelji vide sta je spopalo Marinu

but all that she wanted was to be emo in front of everyone

ali mesto njenog zdravlja oni jure gotovinu

her parents saw what got into Marina

pohlepa i egoizam svakoj osobi se gadi

but instead of her health, they are worried about cash

trebalo je samo neko dje saslusa i shvati

greedy and egoism make every person sick

Tu nema ljubavi na ulici je zivot grub

There is no love on the street, life is harsh

i nema nacina da vratis se na pravi put

and there is no way to go back on right path

Vreme brzo nosi dane nju je tuklo ocajanje

Time erases days, she is beaten by desperation

pa na ulici sve vise, a u skoli sve je manje

she was more and more on the streets, and less in the school

bez kontrole je odrasla, k`o da roditelje nema

she grew up without the control, like she had no parents

prazan frizider u kuci samo jedna tegla dzema

empty fridge in the house, only one jar of jam

ali ona nije bila zena jos je bila samo klinka

but she wasn't woman yet, she was just a girl

sto iz caletove jakne krade kes iz novcanika

who steals money from her father's jacket

lose navike je vode krade sitno po marketu

bad habits aims her, she shoplifts

leva ruka, desni dzep nosila je etiketu

left hand, right pocket, she wore a label

okolina je se kloni, ali drugovi su svesni

environment stays away from her, but her friends are aware of it

da je spremna da ukrade da im podvali i smesti

that she is ready to steal, to set them up

njenu ispijenu facu grize kreon ispod oka

her drained face is being bit by crayon under the eye

nosi hevi metal majicu sa natpisima protiv folka

she wears heavy metal t shirt with signs against the folk

pronasla je momka nekog dilera iz bloka

she found a boyfriend, some dealer from the block

kad se otima kontroli o trodonima je roka

when she's out of the control, he gives her trodons

kazu cuva je i voli pa je krenulo na bolje

they say he takes care of her and he loves her, and it is going to be better

al` problemi sa Marinom brate tek ce da predstoje

but problems with Marina are yet to come

Tu nema ljubavi na ulici je zivot grub

There is no love on the street, life is harsh

i nema nacina da vratis se na pravi put

and there is no way to go back on right path

Roditelji njeni placi, al` ne vredi da je tuku

Her parents cry, but there is no point to beat her

jer u kriziranom stanju spremna je da digne ruku

because in crisis she could hurt herself

i na sebe i na druge to je pitanje sekunde

herself and the others too, it is the matter of a seconds

umesto pomoci lekara dobila je status mrtve

instead of doctor's help, she got the status of dead

telo njeno puca svaka rana joj se siri

her body is decomposing, every wound is spreading

ali keva zna za sranje pa trodonima je smiri

but her mother knows about the condition so she is giving her trodons to calm her

zivi dani iskupljenja sad bi vratila minute

she is living days of redemption, she would turn back minutes

kad Marinu kao bebu bese drzala u ruke

when she held Marina in her arms when she was a baby

nema vise nikoga sa kim bi bila bliska

she has no one to be close to anymore

samo dilera ludaka sto je jebe kad se fiksa

only crazy dealer who fucks her when she is on drugs

to je bolesni sadizam i neizbezba propast

that is sick sadism and unavoidable failure

a za lecenje da skupi trebace jos tri zivota

to save money for treatmen she'll need three more lives

omalena, plava nosila je roze dzemper

tiny, blond, she wore pink sweater

i k`o devojka sa 15 imala je izgled zene

and like a girl of 15 she had a looks of a woman

sada zapustena kosa, grubo lice boje krede

now neglected hair, rough face colored chalk

ima modrice po licu i te iskopane vene

she has bruisings all over her face and those excavated veins

Tu nema ljubavi na ulici je zivot grub

There is no love on the street, life is harsh

i nema nacina da vratis se na pravi put

and there is no way to go back on right path

Nema vise njenog smeha, njenog zagora i placa

There's no more her laugh, her buzz and cry,

sada stondirano lezi ispod braon pokrivaca

she is now lying stoned under the brown blanket

mada trazila je nacin da zajebe ga i ode

although she looked for a way to screw him up and go away

ali vracala se njemu jer je zavisna od droge

she would always go back to him because she was addicted

jedna runda seksa za Marinu nije most

one round of sex was no problem to Marina

niti prepreka do cilja da bi uvukla u nos

or barrier to a goal to sniff with her nose

bele crte jesu skupe ali ona nema dinar

white lines are expensive but she hasn't got a dinar

pa kad pritisne je kriza guta saku bensendina

so when the crisis strikes she takes a hand full of bensedines

njena prva ljubav jeste njen prvi porok

her first love is her first vice

ljubav moze biti lek ali isto tako otrov

love can be a cure but also a venom

vise nije bilo nikog da joj cistu drogu daje

there was no longer anyone to give her pure drugs

jer i momak sto je voli otis`o je iza brave

because a guy she loved was behing bars

narkomani mute da bi dosli do valute

junkies will do anything to find money

stave razne opijate ali minimalno gudre

they put all sorts of opiates but the minimum of drugs

a Marina je u krizi nema sanse da prepozna

but Marina is in crisis and there's no way she would find out

gura smrtonosni serum i tu bese zadnja doza

she is taking lethal serum and there was the last dose

Tu nema ljubavi na ulici je zivot grub

There is no love on the street, life is harsh

i nema nacina da vratis se na pravi put

and there is no way to go back on right path

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