Translation of the song Ne dozvoli tvoje snove da zaustave artist Eldorado
Ne dozvoli tvoje snove da zaustave
Don't let them stop your dreams
Posle vetrova i kiše nađi sebi mesto
After winds and rain find a place for yourself
Dugo ne mogu da pišem, ali nisam prest’o
I couldn't write for a long time, but I didn't stop
Sada mnogo dublje dišem i pređem preko
Now I'm breathing much deeper and go over it
A nocu savest kada stiže me ja palim svetlo
When conscience reaches me I turn on the light
Vidim dva čoveka u njima ceo kosmos
I see two people and the whole universe in them
To je borba ega, ja i moja prošlost
That's the fight of ego, me and my past
Ožiljci dobro uče, takvi smo bili juče
Scars learn well, we've been like that yesterday
A ove pesme jesu teret koji stalno vučem
But these songs are the weight that I always drag
Jedan bodri me da nastavim sa planovima
One person roots for me to continue with my plans
A drugi zove me na mesečinu sa đavolima
The other one calls me out on moonlight with the devils
Stanje razuma se smanjuje kad nemaš izbor
State of intellect is decreasing when you don't have a choice
Taj isti razum se zapanjuje kad gleda ishod
The same intellect is staggering when it watches the outcome
Svako nadanje je umorno
Every hope is tiring
Ali svako vraćanje je suludo
But every return is ridiculous
I nema vremena da svest ti bude lucidna
And there's no time for the lucid mind
Jer naše sudbine se kroje u trenucima
Because our destinies are being created in a few moments
Ne dozvoli tvoje snove da zaustave
Don't let them stop your dreams
I da u momentima slabosti posustaneš
And to lose hope in the moments of weakness
Tvoja snaga pravi veru koja čvrsta je
Your strenght is making a strong belief
A život prestaje kad prvi put odustaneš
The life ends the first time you give up
Ne dozvoli tvoje snove da zaustave
Don't let them stop your dreams
I svome telu ne dozvoli da posustane
And don't let your body to lose hope
Jer pravi pobednik sa poda krvav ustaje
Because a real winner is bloody when he's getting up
A moja vera znaj da tu ispod krsta je
And my belief is right under the cross
Svaki postupak je mera tvog kvaliteta
Every act is a measure of your quality
Svaki potez koji vučeš znaj da Bog gleda
God sees every move you do
A pred ogledalom su opet ona dva čoveka
Those two people are in front of the mirror again
Ali je poenta da sve nas isti kraj čeka
But the point is we're all going to have the same end
Postoje stvari bitnije od odmazde
There are things that are more important than retribution
Utabati stazu mladima što dolaze
To stamp the path for the young ones that are coming
Kad daješ nesebičnim primerima dokaze
When you give the proof to the unselfish examples
I samo tako naše žrtve nisu prolazne
And just like that our sacrifices are not temporarily
Generacije stasavaju na pločnicima
The generations are standing up on the pavement
A plućne komore su zatrpane porocima
And the lungs are covered with bad habits
A uspeh garantujem svakom ko se mnogo cima
And I guarantee success to everyone who tries hard enough
Jer Bog je svedok šta se dešava pod oblacima
Cause God is witness for everything that happens below the clouds
Mi smo tačke na marginama u kosmosu
We are the dots on the edges in the universe
Povezane, al’ u vrlo lošem odnosu
Connected, but in a really bad relationship
Za neke stvari nikom neću da se opravdam
I won't justify some things to anyone
Jer u pitanju je bio goli opstanak
Cause it was about either life or death
Ne dozvoli tvoje snove da zaustave
Don't let them stop your dreams
I da u momentima slabosti posustaneš
And to lose hope in the moments of weakness
Tvoja snaga pravi veru koja čvrsta je
Your strenght is making a strong belief
A život prestaje kad prvi put odustaneš
The life ends the first time you give up
Ne dozvoli tvoje snove da zaustave
Don't let them stop your dreams
I svome telu ne dozvoli da posustane
And don't let your body to lose hope
Jer pravi pobednik sa poda krvav ustaje
Because a real winner is bloody when he's getting up
A moja vera znaj da tu ispod krsta je (x2)
And my belief is right below the cross (x2)