Translation of the song Oko Sebe artist Eldorado
Oko Sebe
Around You
Da li pogledaš ponekad ove kuće oko sebe,
Do you ever look at these houses around you,
Zgrade, blokove, fasade koji vremenom izblede,
Buildings, blocks, facade that slowly fade away,
Ulice su pune laži, lavirintom vode klinca,
The streets are full of lies, they lead the kid through a maze
Jebeš travu i heroin kad u drugom tražiš krivca,
F*ck weed and heroin when others are guilty to you,
Nema posla, nema para, život prečesto šamara,
No job, no money, life hits me too often,
Ulicama se vucaram, pišem prozu trotoara,
I'm roaming the streets, prosing the sidewalk
Noći mirne k'o tišina, navukli su se bre klinci,
The nights are calm like silence, the kids are on drugs,
Razapeti na nemanju, vuku suicidne misli,
Crucified on lack of goods, having suicidal thoughts,
Bele crte preko nosa, bela magija dok voza,
White lines over the nose, white magic that drives crazy,
Ulica ti briše sistem dok đavo ne kaže dosta,
Street is deleting the system until devil says stop,
Ova ulica bez posla kao narkoman bez doza,
This street without a job like a junkie without dose,
Prest'o bi al' nemaš obraz, novi šmrk i opet poraz,
I would stop but you have no honor, another sniff and defeat again,
Ulica k'o sveto pismo, il' je poštuješ il živiš,
A street is like Bible, you either respect it or live it,
Eno lečenih na vrhu, gledaj pičko da li vidiš,
The cured ones are on top, look up cunt do you see,
Nije kasno imaš nade, život vozi ode dalje,
It's not late if you have hope, the life goes away,
Droga kao kiselina razbije te na komade
The drugs like acid break you into pieces
Loše drustvo i drugari, prva sprava kad se svari,
Bad society and friends, first drug that you take,
Ti si narkoman i znam da nestaju po kući stvari,
You are a junkie and I know that the stuff at home dissapear,
Kažu vreme brzo leti kada si na beloj crti,
They say time flies fast when you're on a white line,
S one strane glupi glamur, s ove strane leže mrtvi,
On one side is stupid glamour, on the other one are dead men laying down,
Lova, novac i drugari, prva sprava kad se svari,
Money, cash and friends, first drug that you take,
Mnogo bola, mnogo suza, keva plače mali stani,
Lots of paing, lots of tears, the mom is crying, kid stop it,
Znam da suze peku oči kada nebo bližnje skupi,
I know the tears sting eyes when heaven picks up the close ones,
Noću nebo kad zagrmi čujem kako plaču mrtvi.
When the sky thunders at night, I hear dead people crying.
Zar je droga pravi način da se rešimo problema,
Are the drugs the best way to fix the problem,
Da se rešimo samoće, da se tešimo kad nema,
To get rid of loneliness, to console ourselves when we have nothing,
Brate niste mi bre jasni, sve ste počeli k'o igru,
Bro I don't understand you, y'all started this for fun,
Nekad drž'o happy color, sada gledam kriješ iglu,
Before you held happy color, now you're hiding the needle,
Mladi umovi se gase lošim putevima krenu,
Young minds are extinguishing, heading the wrong way,
Dragi bože, daj pomozi, svaki peti radi venu,
Dear god, please help, every fifth kid stabs it's vein,
Bledo lice, sivi pogled, mangupiranje i društvo,
Pale faces, grey sight, hooligans and society,
Kad se radiš i kad variš, ti mi ne ličiš na muško,
When you're taking the drugs, you don't look manly,
Sve je teže, al se držim, svaki diler kaže uzmi,
It's getting harder, but I'm still hanging on, every dealer wants you to take it,
Svaki zavisnik tu puzi, bole ožiljci na suzi,
Every addict is crawling there, the scars on a tear hurt,
Brate nema me na ćošku, vodim ratove s papirom,
Bro I'm not at the corner, I'm leading the war with the papers*,
I još jedan drug iz kraja tu na klupi predozir'o,
And another friend from the hood overdosed on the bench,
I još jedan bolan prizor i još jednom pale sveće,
And another painful scene and the candles extinguished again,
I još jedno mrtvo telo iznad kojeg stoji cveće,
And another dead body with the flowers above it,
Zato beži od problema, nek te božija ruka čuva,
Therefore you should run away from the problem, may gods hand keep you safe,
Sjebaće te na brzaka, ulica je stara kurva
It will f*ck you up real fast, street is an old bitch
Loše drustvo i drugari, prva sprava kad se svari,
Bad society and friends, first drug that you take,
Ti si narkoman i znam da nestaju po kući stvari,
You are a junkie and I know that the stuff at home dissapear,
Kažu vreme brzo leti kada si na beloj crti,
They say time flies fast when you're on a white line,
S one strane glupi glamur, s ove strane leže mrtvi,
On one side is stupid glamour, on the other one are dead men laying down,
Lova, novac i drugari, prva sprava kad se svari,
Money, cash and friends, first drug that you take,
Mnogo bola, mnogo suza, keva plače mali stani,
Lots of paing, lots of tears, the mom is crying, kid stop it,
Znam da suze peku oči kada nebo bližnje skupi,
I know the tears sting eyes when heaven picks up the close ones,
Noću nebo kad zagrmi čujem kako plaču mrtvi.
When the sky thunders at night, I hear dead people crying.